My start with the first gatekeeper - Belial

thats amazing brother!

hail belial!


Very brave of you and able to do without detection is pretty awesome.
Grew up in one of those as well but I obeyed out of fear of punishments - they were pretty effective punishments. Am i right to assume that Belial is your invisibility how do you have access to materials or internet without detection? I wonder… Either way this just enforces your empowerment and freedom to godhead so I congratulate you and those who are working behind the eyes of religion / cultural control and still thrive in spirit.


we must rise above them
aslo know that the true enemy is yourself ,your mind and ego
you must rise above them in the path of belial the only enemy is yourself
drop your mind and just be a god.


today i had visualised the sigil of the gate of the abyss belial said

“four will become one,five will become one
and the other nine will become ten”

he kept chanting that as i visuliased the gate in my mind
what he refers as the five are him,amaymon,azazel,abaddon and takkalos my godform
and and in the nine will become ten thing i think he means that i will join them or takkalos will join them or they will enter me.

today,tonight i will open the gate of belial become it and go into the lake of fire.

he told me for a week on day,morning chant this incantacion and visualise the right half of the hepthagram glowing in light and let this transform me

Thahnu dev’astatu ali maha eltriz jamaa belial

and this on the night while visualising the darkness of the left half of the pentafram

Yetuz ant’miz devestaz nama belial er mariss ah

on the last day during the sunset i must do a modified pranayama exercise that breathes both of dayside and night side.


lately i adopted a routine formyself every day every morning i meditate on silence connect with my inner abyss the formed abyss demon god takkalos
i sit in a prayer mudra and chant

“Azak ill zez’rer yaoos ir takkalos aanasta”

and i simply feel him expanding my mind senses and power beyond than ever
next simply focus on him and on the energy and do nothing which seems t have lots of benefits.

then i go and do a simple meditation on belial which i simply chant and vibrate “itz ra cha belial”


i will aslo evoke his top five familiars of belial but most of the five i more interested in the fipth one “Lucichatha”


so many things happened,i came to accept the seed of darkness within me and called the nine all along with belial but i am facing a very negative aspect of myself

that feeling is a bold colourless feeling thats almost a barrier that i have will over it its a strong blockage and i am struggling to get over it.

i been thrown in its storm but i resisted it and move at my way.

tonight i will do the temple of belial ritual,


as i focus my mind these words came
"you,you often feel powerless even in your kingdom
powerlessness is a slave,its resitence but not resistance of resistance
rise above you,rise above you

now as i speak in a tongue that you can undestand
in a launguage that you can undestand by your own rules
i am breaking them all,you resist us you resist us
resist your resistance and dont resist at all"


as i accept the seed of darkness within me the more i manifest in the abyss i am going through things,not sure how to express it but i must resist it and rise above it,i must resist even the infernal empire and rise from the abyss as takkalos

Seed of Darkness,Infernal empire&Dimension 0

being a aware seed of darkness feels different
you feel like you do not belong here not even this universe,multiverse and any of the dimension,you feel like everything for you is a lie
you yourself feel nothing for others and for the world,you feel meanigless not in a bad way
once i realised that the pressence of the seed of darness grew even more within me the more i became belial and the more i became takkalos
i feel lawless i do not belong here,i come forth from the infernal empire or the dimension zero,dimension zero seems very interesting belial mentioned it in his compedium,i know that the gatekeepers transcened from the source,universe dimensions astral and even from the source itself as they transcended beyond that they created a whole another reality a universe a dimesnion (my speculation is that the new dimension that they created is maybe the “dimension 0” that belial mentioned but i must note that the infernal empire is not a sort of an astral kingdom (which sometimes menifests like ) but the infernal empire its where they touched.


It makes so much sense.
You emphasize the whole ‘transcending’‘rising above’ thing.
It looks like the force of Death is pushing us towards it since or human existence is a means to transcent the circle of reincarnation.
The Great Liberating Force… what Satan and so many other dark deities awaken…


those who broke of from the source and the multiverse and they are making their own truly empire outside of it ,are called the lawless ones the wicked and damned one,now i feel the broke off feeling,i do not belong here or maybe nowhere.i feel that i must build my very own empire.

but here the thing,i am facing probably my worse emotion,the emotion of emptyness,its an consuming emptyness it consumes me whole,all power all motivation all feelings if i have any,brings me down and stays there and i have absolutely no idea what to do,but i will try to resist it throw myself into it accept it and start making my own moves against it.

it sucks it makes me feel like a slave,unworthy i cannot express it its just empty and it cannot move and hate it,i want to feel and think clearly but i cannot,it will be a fight on my mind,but i will win it.period.


today after the evocation of the nine pass they tests and resist them i will do the ritual of the “Temple of belial” which is an iniatation ritual.


honestly i am not in the mood at all,i will rest tonight.


i announced in darkness and in the nine that
i am not a slave anymore i worship and praise none
i am my own god and i have my own empire,i felt a smile grin in the room
belial said in the end of the pathworking i will have three gifts
belial starts to talk about lucifer-amaymon and i feel that i should start a journal but its not over with belial,he tells to devote 9 days to Ganesha which is an aspect of his

i resisted the infernal empire and i will again and again.



as for ganesha i am not sure what mantra i should use,i looked up to many of these mantras some are for luck some for destroying obseclues but i am looking an invocation like mantra for connections

tonight i will connect with the second familiar “Tah’Riel”


Belial seems to want to again rebuild myself thats what i go through lately,build and destroy,rebuild and be destoyed again over and over,the goal on this process is to make your self greater and greater,resist your resistance and aslo have great disaplance you will find yourself sick and weaked and belial will keep wanting to work with you even if you are at the mood
to expirience an union with belial you can ofcourse meditate upon him and let him possess you but in my journey is that you need to become like belial
wicked,lawless and free a child a seed of darkness
the formed abyss thats what i did today i rised as takkalos and takkalos was possesed by belial and takkalos possessed belial we have no difference,darkness,belial,the nine are no different than me we all the same,we are all expressed in a differed way,in such great paths of power your only true enemy that is great enough to block you in your path is you,your ego,limitation and beliefs
to path through the gates of darkness to path through the goliath star,to the infernal empire to belial
the one must be worthless and meaningless so thats what i became
i became wicked lawless and meanigless in this world i am now free.
i am starting to learn what is control lately.

The temple of belial Ritual

the temple of belial is a ritual by asenath amason shared in the belial compedium belial said that i must do the ritual thats what i did,i unleash the infernal nexus i drawed the sigil of the temple meditated on it and started the visual-journey like ritual,by this term i mean the ritual is not of those that you verbally talk instead is those that you visualise
i became the dragon i became belial and the dragon and belial is takkalos
a union was accomplished once again,i could feel belial changing me in everyway possible
our union is so great that even by saying his name brings me on him he talks with me like a second personality
my blood changed and my bones changed belial told lots of different things in the ritual which i dont quite remember right now.

once i was on the world ruled by belial,i did not bowed before it i respected it but i am the king here belial was like “thats my boy” and he liked that theres someone that was talking me there thats not belial i could recognise who it was even if i never talked with him i always had that skill but always doubted that but belial told me before that the god-mind knows everything and it does not doubt,but if that was impostor or some dangerous shit then what?the god mind would know if that was bullshit ,so be a god i made my self a god there and a king anyways that spirit that was not belial but it was talking with me and guiding me was “Tah’riel” he aslo called himseld “Teh’riel” which seems like a varietion.
in the chamber of darkess i bowed my head because the ritual says in order to absorb the power you must bow and i did before i did i said " i am bowing my head to absorb the energies,i bow none"and i head then gnashing of teeth and laughing when i bowed my head and my head fell right into the sigil and that sigil was on my ajna i felt dead and rebirthed
aslo there i connected more with belial in a deeper level,i feel that always he will guide even if i move to the other gatekeepers then in a chamber of gold and light i became blessed by the dayside so did i on the night side i rised from the pit and even above the light,now takkalos is aslo a dragon i feel so draconian.

i aslo feel spiritualy mature recently.

next ritual is the Eye of belial by asenath
i have to say that i enjoy the rituals by asenath great works!

Itz ra cha belial


i edited the above becuase there was some info that i didnt put there.




I am reading your post’s and I see that you are living in a Christian home, I find myself in the same situation as yours, I live in a Christian home. One doubt I have is if you perform your rituals in your own home (in your Christian home)?


yes i do them silently.