My Soul Travel

I did this several years ago successfully I believe you be the judge.
I was in my room concentrating very hard to go to the street with my soul body as I call it. I was laying in bed and my eyes were closed to focus. When I focused on it I would vision the outside the street the houses and after a few minutes I was outside now I was scared because I thought I was dead. Then a blast of wind came and it spread me out or felt like it did and it felt amazing like REALLY REALLY good better then any dream has ever made me feel. I think ran back towards my house I saw the front door the moment I touched the front door handle I was back in my body.

Was this a dream? It sure didn’t seem like one.

Thanks guys!

Hard to say, have you repeated it since?

If you own a Tarot deck, deal a card faceup, that you can’t see, onto the top of a high shelf, and try to soul-travel up and see what it is, then verify it once you return to your body.

[quote=“Lady Eva, post:2, topic:5860”]Hard to say, have you repeated it since?

If you own a Tarot deck, deal a card faceup, that you can’t see, onto the top of a high shelf, and try to soul-travel up and see what it is, then verify it once you return to your body.[/quote]

I have not repeated it but once it felt as though I was being sucked out of my body through my neck when I was spending a night at my brother’s house. It felt like I was going to leave the body again soul only. I have not “mastered” it by any means but I will try to do it again :slight_smile: I also don’t own a Tarot deck. This happened shortly after I had soul traveled on the street.

You can use playing cards as well, that should work.