My Situation is getting worse. Need Advice

Archangel Michael will also destroy them

Loord yeesch satan lucifer azazel King paimon call

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Another problem I’m seeing here is that I never did believe in myself for like a long time. If I really need to get rid of them, I need to actually believe in my abilities, but I can’t change my mindset that quickly. The negativity has basically become my personality now, and that lady isn’t helping either. It is going to be very difficult changing my mindset because of personal problems, and these entities who just mock me, and hurt me.

It is also going to take time doing that, and my health is pretty much rapidly declining. I feel that I don’t have a lot time left to live. The only reason I’m alive is because the lady wants me to suffer slowly.

I can’t call them. I don’t have the nesscary materials in the first place. Second off if it would start working, the guy with a cigar would just beat me harder until I lose my focus, and stop doing it.

Pathworking start, You can use their thoughts to search for them.

So what did you do, why do they want to kill you.

They want to kill me probably for fun.

Tools are not necessary for Evocations a lot of the times, just saying. I’ve undertaken Qliphothic initiation before with no tools and was successful.

A relative was harassed by a nymph and nearly killed. A Muslim medium killed the fairy, I’m sure fairies are a kind of genie too, jinn only aim is to kill Muslim mediums Can kill them by burning them, Muslim wizards know how to kill Icin, as she is very talented with jinn.

Vinegar can help a lot A vinegar can burn gin and fairies, The moment you feel like you are with her, pour vinegar around her and she may know it will hurt.Use hot water and listen to the burning prayers of Islamic jinn called rukya. It affects even if you’re a Christian.

Can kill fairies and jinn, kill before they kill you Muslim spells are very skilled and clean at killing them.Jinn are afraid of swords and weapons-like tools They are afraid of fire Vinegar and hot water are very skilled by burning them, If they step on the spilled vinegar, their bodies will suddenly start burning and you can hear their screams before they die.I lived with a fairy who haunted me since I was born, it burned me, darkened my life, we killed her by burning her children, You have to be ruthless to some enemies, especially if you bathe often, chances are high that you are haunted.

I appreciate all the advice, and I will do my my best to get rid of them. However if none of this works, well I’ll prepare for the end. I guess I’ll see what happens to me.

Resistance is the greatest war…

You need to consider the possibility that you’re dealing with spirits who are tied to your property. I think they decided to make themselves known to you because you’re dabbling. When you dabble and start developing your psychic abilities it’s like turning on a lamp in a dark room for spirits like the ones you mentioned.

Dealing with the dead that are tied to your property can be a complicated process if they refuse to move on. Theres a lot of factors you need to consider if simple banishings don’t work. Are they attached to an object in your house? Is your house built on or near a ley line? Are they buried on your property? Did something tragic happen on your property? How did they die? Etc.

I would also like to mention that you can’t kill or destroy spirits who aren’t thoughtforms. This is not supernatural. If it was then I’d have you give Sam and Dean a call.The only thing you can do is make them move on or evict them from your property.

Anyways, I think the proper course of action is a full blown exorcism on your house and the surrounding area. This will close any portals that may have been opened and clear the area of residual energy.

So you probably need to hire a medium who has experience in doing this.

In the meantime I think you need to focus on shielding. Learn how to build up your personal defenses so they can’t attack you.

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Damnit OP, you can do this

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He’s a good researcher but that’s all the credit I’ll give him.

It’s not much, but I’d just like to add fae hate iron.(I think it’s even painful to them) So maybe try wearing a pendant or ring made of one, if you think they’re involved. It might help, good luck.

To be clear, if your mental health is good.
I don’t know you or read past posts, but if you live with your family or under eighteen… Please please get help.
Faith in yourself is important, but honey you can ask for help in REAL LIFE.
If making friends with them made it worse, please do what i suggest below.
Its just alarming because other people in your home arent mentioned or feeling the affects…
Try and ask your parents if they are seeing things.
My house was haunted before and it affected every one in the house to some degree.

The first thing, go talk with a professional counselor and an exorcist…Catholic priests are great for this and are easier to reach. It doesn’t have to be a priest, just any spiritual master in your area that you can get ahold of. There might someone at a local temple, most religions have someone that speaks with the dead and underworld. Just from my own knowledge, every diocese has an exorcist.

If your in highschool, get counseling, they are free in the states at schools and say what u see
CALL a hotline, also free! Every city usually has one in the states. There is a worldwide one too.
A lot of people struggle with things, so don’t feel ashamed. Brain chemistry is so complicated.

Now at the same time, reach out to a priest and ask for an exorcist, you can find your local church’s pastor email or phone number online. Call them!
I have cousins that are priests and most do help. Its only my experience. Idk there is reasonably sensitivity around priests and major religions, but i always find good and bad people in every group i encounter. Don’t be afraid, if they ask too much or make you uncomfortable, you can ghost them.

They can help you talk with your parents, bless your house and get at it with their spiritual power.
Im only saying this cause, i got my house blessed and activity stopped… No exorcism needed.

Please speak up outside in the real world… Members on here who have experience are older, generally get help out in the real world. No one does things by themselves.

Attack this problem with every single resource in your belt that means your own magic and mindset, parents, psychologist, priest…

Ik you will get through this! You will stay alive and overcome. You reaching out here shows promise.

Yes the spirit is a parasitic vampire and it uses fear and pain to control you. I’d say prayers to Archangel Michael for deliverance from evil.


One way to deal with a problem is to simply decide you’re not giving the problem any energy

Resistance prolongs things

It would be incredibly rare to find someone that highly versed in magickal ability who would target someone who’s under 18

Unless you were hugely skilled yourself, what Magickal danger would you possibly hold to her?

There definitely are parasitic entities

But my own personal recommendation would be to not bother fighting against and just do you - the things that make you feel safe and happy

I’ve had situations in the past that fighting against just prolonged my pain, and fuelled power against me

I mean it sounds horrible what you explain, just another way to fight something is just to simply not … the other person or force gives up then soon enough, nothing to feed off if you give it no energy!

I’m editing in to add: you’re under 18, a lot of responses you’ve had are well meaning decent responses - but possibly to someone older and more advanced in magickal practices. I’m trying not to come across condescending but don’t convince yourself you have a problem any bigger than you might have simply bc you read it here… I would find it very strange that you could possibly hold a power big enough for someone to desire to target you to this intensity

I don’t personally think you need any special resource- just maybe stop scaring the shit out of yourself? Easier said than done I know :two_hearts:


You cannot accept your fate over these parasites. You have to find your stronger self. Your much more stronger that what you make yourself to be. Believing the power you have inside. Your strength is already there as its there by default but are blocked by these horrendous negative impacts. Everyone has their own strengths but are locked when crucial points take affect in ones life. It’s never truly locked to the fullest because in the end this can be reversed with the proper materials and or professional help.

As you already may know your having trouble meditating due to your mind being at a draining unbalanced key factor of negativity that prevents you to even reach any sort of trance and achieve any banishing in the process due to how deep these parasites have made. Again you can’t accept your fate over this. Think about it. How damn near young you are but yet have so much to look foward to in your lifetime. Don’t sit back and let these forces tear you apart. If it has truly come to a point where you would think of taking acceptance into this, take the Immediate necessary actions that are needed to destroy this. Read the other members post of seeking the professional resources. My post was only to encourage you on your faith with your strength which you do have. Please don’t let these terrible things get the very best out of you my man.

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