My on and off relationship with Lucifer

I’d rather not get into details but every time we have a falling out he keeps coming back I mean why? this is the fourth time this has happened


How do you mean coming back? Do you summon him? Or does he just show up?


He shows up on his own like if nothing ever happened between us.


I know Lucifer as her female aspect. I constantly call her merciful one, as she is mercy (in every instance I’ve ever met her)

I had some issues with her too, but she always felt saddened when there was issues. Perhaps she doesn’t wish to have bad air between you two?


I’ll be honest I have Catholic background and it’s been embedded in me so I get guilt trips every now and then I know it sounds stupid but I can’t help it
I’m ridiculed for my practices so I ask him to leave me alone due to my own guilt and he keeps coming back and to be honest deep down I don’t mind it’s just my moral compass is pretty much overtaken by my Catholic background so sometimes I just feel like my arms are being pulled apart from two sides

It sucks man


I came from a catholic background too.

Like I said, Lucifer was the angel of mercy. This is the only side I’ve known. Kind and loving and beautiful. Lucifer wants to help you… I can feel it


I come from a mega Christian background and honestly every now and then I question what I’m doing. Like what if I’m wrong? All these things happening and especially when people prophecy it unnerves me sometimes. But I think for the most part, even if there were some war between heaven and hell it’s much bigger than we can grasp. I don’t think we’re pawns or there’s a huge fight for our souls.
That being said, even if I’m wrong, Lucifer has been good to me. Nothing but beautiful and loving and helpful. Will I turn my back on him if “god” demands it? No, I can’t. I have to say the truth about who he has been to me.


Sorry to nag but can you ask him if he has anything to say to me
I’m ready for Criticism
Yes, I can talk to him but my abilities are still developing and I feel like it would help better if I hear what I need to hear from another person.
If you can thank you


Give me a minute. I’m at work lol


“Let the fear of the past go. Only through healing and love can things begin to change as you wish them to. I am not here to harm, but help. I dont wish anything but kindness upon you”


“Listen to this child (she means me) as he knows my intents. If I wished you harm, you would have it”


Tell Lucifer thank you
I needed an affirmation like that
And that I’m sorry if I did anything to offend him
I’m not apologizing out of fear but because I genuinely feel I should apologize if I did anything wrong.

But am I doing the right thing? working with Daemonic spirits is this for me? or did I just walk in accidentally


Again, I dont see Lucifer as fully demonic. Lucifer is the light bearer and the merciful one. The guiding light down the path and the shoulder to cry on.

I cant tell you what current is right for you, as I’m not you. Follow intuition. There are no accidents.


I’ll apologize later, as her and I agreed we have work to do together.


Alright, thank you so much!


My pleasure :slight_smile:


@AradiaX, @KingOfHearts616, I have the same opinion and I’m Catholic to. My problem was with the human dogmas and judging of Ancient Gods/Daemons. Let’s get to know them first before we judge is my opinion now. Thanks for sharing your opinion like this, it helps me to!


I agree. I spent a good deal of my life in the church 2x a week and trying to pray and reform myself. Every time something went wrong I blamed it on not being good enough to god. He never showed up or heard me in my darkest hours. But Lucifer has. And I know people will say that’s a trick and blah blah blah but when you FEEL him. When he keeps his word. I have a real hard time believing he is evil or has evil plans. I’m big on " show me who you are, don’t tell me." He’s shown me more kindness in a short time than god ever has. And I don’t hate god. I just no longer see anything divine from a biblical perspective. But it’s hard to let go of years of conditioning.


I was raised Pentecostal (The Holy Ghost, speaking-in-tongues people), and I decided long ago that all the guilt and doubt is worthless. How is it that we are supposed to love, feel remorse for, and choose a deity that has completely rejected us. It doesn’t speak to us, but says in a book that we will be punished for speaking to anyone else (who incidentally, will speak to us). It demands faith in absence of proof and says all proof otherwise is a trick. It hands you over to cults and religious abuse, and if the spirits that answer you are bad, it has handed you over to them too. And it’s afterlife is crazy unappealing. Then it would try to punish you for your logical response to it’s complete negligence. I’m going to run with high hopes that you, me, and everyone in this conversation can stop giving our old childhood indoctrination-ists rent free room in our psyches.


Pentecostal here too! Crazy!