My journal of thanks

So I’m finally getting some work done with Goetia spirits and this is where I will he thanking them.

First (of hopefully many) is Bune. This one was tricky since it was one that could easily be chalked up as just happening on its own and was a request that I had a decent chance of getting even without magick. But there were enough little extra odd touches that let me know it was more than that so thank you Bune for helping me through and for continuing to do so since this is a continuing work

Praise be to Dantalion!! I had a few things I was asking from him but I was going to ask them separately and one of them was for information on behind the scenes goings on. Well yesterday, I asked for the first item on the list and today, even though I hadn’t asked yet, I randomly, out of the blue, find the information I was seeking. It wasn’t exactly what I wanted to hear, but it wasn’t all awful either and at least I know my next step.