My Introduction

Hi! My name is Lyra and I am from the US. I grew up in a very conservative Christian household, however magick was something that intrigued me since I was a teenager although I never dared to study it. I am still a beginner to magick, I have been studying the occult for about six months. I am a tarot, oracle and rune reader. I am quite interested in the LHP and have been researching Goetic demons as well as energy work and spirit work. I don’t have much practical experience in magick besides divination or sigil making since I have spent most of my time studying and never quite feel ready to begin practicing. I have been reading this forum for a while and I am excited to learn as much as I can from this community!


Welcome to the BALG forum @fiercestfire :slight_smile:

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Welcome aboard!

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Well hello there Lyra, and welcome to the forum :wave:t5:

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Hi @fiercestfire Welcome to our forum :slight_smile:

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