My experiences with Raphael

This thread is going to be my acting journal for my experiences with the Archangel Raphael.

It started the night of Saturday, January 23, 2016. I was finishing my Muladhara Chakra meditation and I lied down on my back and I was thinking about the connection between the Theta-Gamma Sync and mantras. And, I thought that I might be in a state where I could enter the rapture state. So, relaxing myself further, I let go of my mind and had a vision.

In the vision I saw a giant semi-truck that was moving along a road to some destination. I sort of went over to it and I saw that the back was open, so I went inside. I walked through and I saw four different piles of boxes all pyramid shaped. None touching another, each pile had a space around it. Then, I turned around to go and I saw Raphael. He said, “I want you to begin working with evocation. Call on spirits and invoke their help, they will help you acheive your goals.”

And then, the vision ended. While the vision was going on, my intution was interpreting all the symbols. The semi-truck is me moving toward my spiritual goals. And the four boxes inside are the pathworks I should be doing. I am doing three pathworks right now: Chakras, Divination, and Tychokensis. And the fourth pathwork was the one Raphael just commanded me to join in, evocation.

So, that was in my mind for this past week. So, last night after my Muladhara Chakra meditation, I wanted to contact Raphael, and so I started intoning “Raphael Come” and the vibrations justechoed through me. I kept that up for a bit, sinking into the Theta-Gamma Sync.

I closed my eyes and saw him, dimly at first, but then very clearly. And we began to walk together and we had a question and answer.

A: Raphael, I want to be a healer. I want to be able to heal people instantly, by putting my hands on them.

R: That is a large request. (He paused as though to think.) Evoke me every Wednesday, I like green [candles], and I will teach you how to heal.

A: Which sigil should I use?

R: The one that looks like a gun.

A: It does look like a gun, doesn’t it.

R: It does. Copy it by hand, don’t print it off.

A: Okay, does this mean that we are in a pact?

R: We will discuss that when you evoke me.

And then he faded away and I promptly fell asleep. I’m going to catalog our discussions here.

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Which sigil are you referring to?

This one?

I’ve always used the other one and had success with evoking him.
I am curious as to why he would ask you to use the one above.

[quote=“DeathWish, post:2, topic:7096”]Which sigil are you referring to?

This one?

I’ve always used the other one and had success with evoking him.
I am curious as to why he would ask you to use the one above.[/quote]

Yes, that’s the one he meant. I don’t think it particularly matters in terms of actually contacting Raphael, it’s our intent that matters. I was partial to that sigil before anyway, so it makes sense that he told me to use that one.

Alright, so I intended to do the evocation at 3:00 AM this morning, however, I slept through my alarm and instead woke up at 5:00 AM on the dot. But, I had to wait for my roommate to get up and leave for work, which she did by 6:15, so I had the whole house to myself.

So, I grab all the implements that I’m going to need. I have four green candles, the aces of all the Tarot suits to represent the elements, Sandalwood incense, a hand drawn sigil (very nice if you ask me), and a note book to record our conversation.

So, I set everything up and I cast the circle and light all the candles and the incense. Then I sit down and enter the Theta-Gamma Sync while intoning “RA-PHA-EL COME”. So, I’m in the sync and I stare at the sigil and it wasn’t too soon that it starts changing colors and parts start disappearing and reappearing, those who’ve experienced it know what I’m talking about.

So, then the candle in the West starts flickering and I said, “Raphael, if you are here, appear before me in a beholdable form.” And then I saw him, but I didn’t see him, it’s strange to say. I saw him, I definitely saw him, but it was a spiritual seeing, it was like I saw seeing two different realities placed onto one another.

Anyways, short story, I saw him and he looked the same as when I saw him in my visions. So, then I said, “Raphael, can you speak to me in a beholdable voice.” And he said, “Yes.” And it was as if I had chakras in my ears and they were suddenly filling with energy each time he spoke.

A: Raphael, I am sorry that I contacted you late. I am sorry that this is a Thursday, instead of a Wednesday, like you asked. Please respond in a beholdable voice.

R: It’s okay. It is better that you evoke me late than not at all. We have much work to do before you reach your goal.

A: Raphael, I asked you to teach me to heal with my hands, how do I do that? Please respond in a beholdable voice.

R: First, you have to learn to control the energy current in your own body, and then work on manifesting your energy over the world. And find those who are sick, you must practice to be good, you cannot expect to be like [the stories of] Jesus overnight.

A: Then it sounds like we have a lot of work to do.

R: We do.

A: Raphael, would you be willing to make a pact with me? Please respond in a beholdable voice.

R: No, not yet. We will revisit this question in a month’s time. So, the end of February or the beginning of March.

A: All right, reasonable enough. What things can you teach me?

R: I can heal, I can protect, and I can guide to knowledge and wisdom. By healing, I mean that I can take the dis-ease away from your mind, body, soul, and each aspect of your astral body. I can travel through your mind to remove every shred and fragment of psychosis. By protect, I mean I can defend you from dangerous beings. I can wage war with my sword and keep you safe. And by guiding in knowledge and and wisdom, I mean that I will teach you things you would be unable to know otherwise. [In the stories told about me,] I brought science back to Noah’s sons after the flood.

A: You sound like a powerful ally. Why did you appear before me first?

R: You are a curious human, you walk the line between life and death and chose life. Not content, you chose immortality. This goal of yours, is not a petty desire, it is your soul’s very mission. It is your duty to attain immortality and teach it to others, so you need much power to do that.

[Editor’s Note: At this point my leg was falling asleep so I had a sudden thought and I asked Raphael to heal my leg, in a beholdable form. And I saw him, in the same manner as I did before, and he touched my leg with his hand and my leg wasn’t asleep or uncomfortable anymore.]

A: Is there any exercise that you can recommend to me this week for attaining power in healing, immortality, or both?

R: For becoming a healer, learn how to move energy around your body. Get used to the feeling of your intention commanding your energy.

A: Thank you Raphael, I appreciate your help and I will see you next week. Goodbye, and you may leave now.

At that point I physically felt the energy change and I felt him leave, I closed the circle, cleaned up, and had breakfast. All in all the encounter took a little over an hour.


Brilliant! :slight_smile:

Spirits of all kinds seem to respect and admire ambition, when it’s genuine and heartfelt. Great stuff!

[quote=“Lady Eva, post:5, topic:7096”]Brilliant! :slight_smile:

Spirits of all kinds seem to respect and admire ambition, when it’s genuine and heartfelt. Great stuff![/quote]

Thank you Lady Eva! I appreciate your encouragement!

Nice account!

He described his seal as the “gun seal” to me as well.

He is a fantastic teacher of The Arte of the Magician. Good luck, and watch out for his sense of humor if you haven’t encountered that yet…what he thinks is funny is not always that funny to us.

[quote=“Orismen, post:7, topic:7096”]Nice account!

He described his seal as the “gun seal” to me as well.

He is a fantastic teacher of The Arte of the Magician. Good luck, and watch out for his sense of humor if you haven’t encountered that yet…what he thinks is funny is not always that funny to us.[/quote]

Thanks for the confirmation, it does look like a gun, haha. And thank you for the advice.

Which is this one?

[quote=“Asmoday, post:9, topic:7096”]Which is this one?[/quote]

That’s another one of Raphael’s sigils. And that’s why I asked him. I had found at least three different versions on the internet. So, I figured, who best to ask than him.

@DeathWish uses that sigil and he says that it works fine. It’s just not the one that Raphael told me to use.

As I said in a previous post, “I don’t think it particularly matters in terms of actually contacting Raphael, it’s our intent that matters. I was partial to that sigil before anyway, so it makes sense that he told me to use that one.”

I had trouble seeing the one I posted blown up for details but the one I use for him looks like it and says adonay “spelling” and Raphael on one edge of the circle.

Neat! You and @DeathWish have that in common.

Neat! You and @DeathWish have that in common.[/quote]

Yep that sigil worked great for me multiple times

So, I’ve been doing the energy work that Raphael suggested, and I’ve noticed very interesting things. I’ve begun feeling these strings of energy in my legs, abdomen, chest, arms, and head. And I’ve been feeling the places where energy leaves my body. Namely, at the souls of my feet, the palms of my hands, and the crown of my head.

I was doing experiments with my right and left hand, and I would hover my left hand over an area of my body and I could feel pieces of energy being drawn out of my body and into my left hand, and I could feel it go up my left arm. Then, I would hover my right hand over a different area of my body and I would feel energy pouring into that area and moving around, not following the natural flow, but searching for something. It was the craziest thing.

I have a theory that the same pull and push thing exists with my left and right feet, that my left foot draws energy from my ground while my right foot pours energy into the ground. My head just feels so strange.

By itself, the energy has it’s own steady flow, it doesn’t pulse or surge, it just is. And so, I’ve been doing what Raphael told me to do, and I move it around using my attention. And so, I’ve been practicing changing the flow in my legs, in my arms, moving energy around my chest and abdomen, and around my head. I find it really difficult to move energy from one limb to another. I think I got down moving it from leg to leg. And as I was moving energy around my upper chest I could feel it affect my lungs and my heart, like I could feel it moving. It was strange.

But, in two days I’ve gotten very good at moving energy around my body. I’m very curious to find out how things are going to continue next Wednesday when I evoke Raphael again.

[quote=“DeathWish, post:2, topic:7096”]Which sigil are you referring to?

This one?

Congrats man and I wish you luck with Raphael!
Where did you get this sigil ? I am pretty sure I have seen it before but I cannot put my finger on where.

[quote=“Smith, post:15, topic:7096”][quote=“DeathWish, post:2, topic:7096”]Which sigil are you referring to?

This one?

Congrats man and I wish you luck with Raphael!
Where did you get this sigil ? I am pretty sure I have seen it before but I cannot put my finger on where.[/quote]

Google Image Search.

I have no idea where it’s originally from.

So, I performed the evocation of Raphael in my living room, and I haven’t been in there since then. So, recently, I was walking around eating pizza in the living room when I felt this nice warmth and then a quick change to cold.

I stepped back and found the warm spot and I felt my arm hairs stand up, like static electricity. Then, I realized that I was standing in the very spot that I was sitting when I evoked and communed with Raphael.

I was pretty amazed and my first thought after finding it was, “I wonder what would happen if I meditated inside it, or tried to use it for healing.”

So, I sat and meditated in the energy left behind and I was becoming aware of the subtle energies in my body. And I was entering the TGS just by breathing. Then, my head was getting overwhelmed with energy. I could feel energy collecting at my Agya (Third Eye) Chakra, Sahasrara (Crown) Chaka, and Bindu Chakra. And I aslo felt these two other pressures on the back of my head, to the left and the right of the center. And my head felt like it was going to explode from the energy.

And then I lost proprioception, I felt like I was floating, like I was a floating head and there was nothing else around me. Then, I kept my eyes closed and visualized a meadow with a chair in the middle and I was sitting in the chair. Then, Raphael appeared and he was like, “I’m glad you found it.” And we discussed what it was and what I could use it for and what not. (I was worried because I’m moving tomorrow and I asked him about that and he said that the same thing would happen every time I evoke him.) Then I thanked him and took myself out of the trance. I lied on my back and I started staring at the ceiling and I was basically scrying into it, I could see all these things that were happening in the ceiling. It was a pretty awesome experience all together.

A meadow? Kinda interested to hear what else you see there on further trips

The meadow with a chair in it is a common visualization for me when I’m deep in the TGS, it’s just to access information from an entity. I didn’t expect Raphael to show up.

[quote=“ashtkerr, post:16, topic:7096”][quote=“Smith, post:15, topic:7096”][quote=“DeathWish, post:2, topic:7096”]Which sigil are you referring to?

This one?

Congrats man and I wish you luck with Raphael!
Where did you get this sigil ? I am pretty sure I have seen it before but I cannot put my finger on where.[/quote]

Google Image Search.

I have no idea where it’s originally from.[/quote]

from my past evocation with raphael I used this sigil(however there are other sigils with variations to this one - depending on the source you used) and he explained to me that they are from Chaldean origins.