My encounter with a 'spiritualist medium' left me confused

My Mother had a spiritualist medium with her today when I visited her , which isn’t often.

Apparently she has a haunting to which I was swiftly blamed for my ‘ungodly’ witchcraft bringing attachments to her house.

Then began a debate between us in which I was told I should go to Church for my ‘sins’ from this ‘medium’

Now, this ‘medium’ who used the Bible in ‘clearances’ was a Homosexual man and used divination to see which ‘demon’ he was dealing with.

This obviously is against various Bible passages that condemn these things. I myself, do not. I gave up after a short time as he was set in stone with his thinking and it was pointless.

This leads me to the question, What is Spiritualistic mediumship exactly? How can they claim to be ‘of God’ when they use divination rods and tarot and other ‘Occult’ materials? and yet condemn anything not Church related?


Whoa. Dick move.

Does he get any money for his service? Maybe that answers a part of that question :smiley:


Basically they’re rip off’s of the occult ones and try to justify it by saying the definition of a modern medium isn’the the same as though condemned in the torah and bible.


Yes, They get ‘donations’ about £30.

I myself cannot understand cherry pickers of information. I have no problem with anyone doing whatever,but it seems so strange to condemn witchcraft and yet be walking around with Divination rods, what does he think is answering him? Jehovah ? :joy:


Hence my confusion I am ‘bad’ for being a Witch, but he is twatting about with Tarot, rods and native Indian Sage and then reading green pastures Bible passages.

It confuses me somewhat


He’s basically trying to appeal to the masses so they hide behind that lie. Funny how they still went to the witch of endor to resurrect and speak to spirits even when there own practice condemned it lol.


I guess some of our christian “counterparts” like to condemn every “unholy” material or practice from a personal point of view. For him it’s okay to be homosexual, using tarot cards or reading spirits because it’s convenient for his personal life in some way. He doesn’t have to reflect on his approaches because that’s what God is for, right?
Clerics are as human as everyone else. But they have some higher excuse for their own flaws because at the end only God can judge them or whatever.


I pointed out some flaws to his arguments.

  1. The Quakers knew how to deal with Witches… so, it is fine to Bible thump but condone mass burnings of innocent people who grew herbs back then?
  2. Demons are all ‘evil’ That is like saying all people are Evil or all Angels are good and even tempered. I hate black and white thinking.
  3. With him being Homosexual, I am 100% cool with this, I think it is great, his God not so much so I believe.
  4. Judging, isn’t that un christian?

Altogether, a miss match of religions and beliefs. No human spirit ghosts exist, just Demons. Demons must be cleansed by Sage and going to Church gets rid of Demons and stops them coming back… My brain hurts :joy:

Interesting to know others perceptions though


If they would admit that human spirits exist here in our very society they would also admit that their picture about heaven and hell is a little bit off.


My Mother also does not have a Demon haunting, she has bad plumbing :joy: No spirits just noisy water pipes.

Interesting how it is always a demons fault though if something goes bump in the night


Well, I find it all very odd. He makes his living speaking to the dead being a medium but then labels them Demons. It is too strange.


:expressionless: meh! Those annoy me alot and how people fall in thier crap is just meh! Mom goes to one too but the Muslim one… I wear it’s voodoo sometimes but covered with religion! I mean just annoying! Why act so religious and above all! Just meh! I tend to play along and just laugh afterwards about the stupidity! The things he tells mom is loads of crap… but apparently they still don’t know shit about me here so :rofl: I call the bullshit!!!


My father blames everything on me when ever he has a bad day or he gets in a fight with me step mom or he had financial problem.
He knows now that I practice magick and he says that since I started doing this I brought chaos into his life.

But the chaos was brought by him he is very negative and abusive and he talks so much sh*t and he never shuts up about his Christianity religion.


My sympathies to you. There is nothing worse than being blamed for something constantly. You say he is abusive, I hope you are ok?


Yea just mentally abusive at the moment he hasn’t beat me up since I was 19 years old.
If he touches me know he will go to jail he already has criminal record.


Sounds like one of those people who are full of bs. He just tells his clients what he thinks they want to hear or whatever is convenient for him to make a buck. I spent a good part of my younger days studying the bible and I don’t see in any way, shape or form how he can claim to be christian. None of that is allowed and many christians are very anti-homosexual in their views. Sounds like another charlatan trying to make money off people by selling his bs.


Mental abuse is just as bad as physical. Words stay with you. I grew up with constant criticising ,you internalise it. Get away as soon as you can . x


Xians have a knack for using the bible to justify anything they wish. Yes, it does tell us to never tolerate a witch but it also instructs us to murder homosexuals, so this guy’s being a total fucking tool. Besides, there actually are instances of divination, evocation, and necromancy being performed by bible heroes, as that asshat probably knows.


Exactly. Cherry picking the parts that suit and then reading them out to try and make you feel like shit.

I know the Bible well as I had to at the school that was chosen for me by my parents and I love quoting parts to folks like this.

Yes, wife beating is fine, floods that kill everything are condoned, killing of sons is great, Poor Job got fucked over as part of a bet to see if he could take it :joy: But please pray for me with my candles and incense :joy:

Good to see you by the way ;:slight_smile:


This seems to be a new twist on an old scam. Most psychics claim many hauntings are from a ghost of an angry family member or the deceased who formerly owned the property.

The church or Xian angle gives him an easy solve, instead of appeasing the ghost, it is your fault for practicing Witchcraft. Now you must go to chruch and appease the demon that is causing distress or havoc. Rubbish!

Your mom got off easy, only 30 quid. Most psychics in the states charge between $100 to $300.