My 16 Year Old

What about Belial? Supposedly Belial is good to work with to remove someone?

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Maybe try marbas for healing her and Belial.

I have tried buer and furcas for healing and she doesnā€™t want anything to do with healing. I could give marbas a try but typically someone has to want to heal in order fir that to happen.

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Yea. I guess try Belial then.

Donā€™t give up on her sheā€™s your daughter you brought her into the world and you need to take responsibility no matter how hard it is. A lot of people have it worse than you.

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Thatā€™s disrespectful to say a lot of people have it worse when you donā€™t live here and donā€™t see what goes on. The reason I think she needs to go somewhere else is because I know I canā€™t do any more for her and she needs a very structured environment. Sheā€™s beyond my control and as things are now sheā€™s going to be in prison or on the street which as her mother I donā€™t want to see happen. Yes sheā€™s a minor right now and Iā€™m responsible for her but sheā€™s coming up on adult hood soon and everyone else out there who isnā€™t her mom wonā€™t care.

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thats not disrespectful remember everyone has there own opinion.

Yes it is disrespectful. Every day is chaos and I know it canā€™t keep going like this for both our sake.

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Seconding this. I have witnessed this combination first-hand do wonders.

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Hello @JustAGirl,

Has CPS referred your daughter to an intensive outpatient program? How about a WRAP around referral? Mental Health-services that support the client and families. Your daughter is need of intensive services. Meaning services 4-5 days out of the week. Talk to your CPS worker and have her place the referral. The structure that she will be given on a daily basis will be beneficial to her. Hopefully, the therapist uses CBT and DBT interventions. I love CBT interventions. Read up on CBT and see how you can apply it in your home life.

As for magick? I would personally use Belial if I were having these challenges with my kid.

I would look into magic mushrooms. They stop smoking, alcohol and depression. Just a thought.


Lol. She is a child and her diagnosis is borderline personality disorder.

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She is actually already in a wrap around program because the state approved her for Severe Emotional Disturbance waiver. And the therapist has been teaching cbt and dbt. Therapists have been teaching her cbt for years. A lot of the services they offer are limited or shut down right now because of covid19 so we pretty much just she the therapist once a week virtually and the wrap around worker biweekly. They have been helpful with staying in contact with the school and helping in that regard.

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I cannot be giving her magick mushrooms.

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That is wonderful! Iā€™m glad you have the support. Have you ever attended NAMI (National Alliance On Mental Illness) support groups? They are free and offered nationwide. You can look up support groups by zip code. They are so beneficial and resourceful.

Iā€™ve never heard of them but I can look it up. The problem Iā€™m dealing with is she doesnā€™t want help.


The support group is for us parents. They provide psycho education on how to cope with our children or family members who suffer of mental illness. We learn interventions that we can use and they have a network of resources and additional support.

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Okay, I will check them out.

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Look at micro dosing. Washington DC will soo make it legal. Do some research.


Drugs are not the way to go. They screw you up. Please donā€™t recommend them, I know this from personal experience with my own family member and now their psychotic plus all the other issues my family and I have to deal with from them prior the psychosis.

I donā€™t care what the research says. Their bad for you.

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