Musical devotional for Lucifer

A place where I share music that relates to or describes my relationship with my beautiful king. Some are of my own feelings, while others are those he has chosen. Enjoy!

During a misunderstanding yesterday Luci wouldn’t let me go to bed angry with him or with hurt feelings. He led me to this. I don’t even like Seether😂. But the message is nice.


My King ⚘❤


Because you wanted to HEAR me say it. Because you wait for the invitation. Because you always deliver.

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Take this in the view of you’re the singer talking about lucifer, its deep.


Love it

Nailed it . Thank you my King.

Video: Moonspell "Scorpion Flower" - YouTube yes. Moonspell. And cause I’m an idiot please hit that link.

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I can relate to this, and in my experiences with Lucifer I think he leads me to things like this cause if you look into the lyrics - I have been broken. BUT with that I think he leads me to things like this to show me. I am not broken the world around me is. Plus this dude and amy harmonizing together about knocks the wind out of me.

Also, broken things can be fixed. It might take some glue and some more materials but you can fix anything.

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He really does have a way with words - leading you to things to say something or get a message across. For me, it was that I had been cracked but not broken. He did not need to “fix” me, but he got to the bottom of my feelings. He pretty much gets the “infection” out. He showed me I had the power all along, but he would love me all the way.

Here we go…
Him and I have had a battle relationship. he would show up, scurry things about and then run off. Its been quite complex. I didnt know who it was until about 1 year ago when someone kicked my comfort zone and actually his energy just really really made things cray crazy for a bit. I mean I had ideas every now and again.

For the last 10 or so Years I have been deathly ill. I suffered from Fibromyalgia, PTSD, major depressive disorder and the list goes on and on. I have been on pain meds most of this span. They built me up so much on prescriptions they made me ill. For me, Lucifers been the one to scoop me up from a fall. Lilith says Get the fuck up.
I was not only cracked I was broken and at that point full of poison. I was dying from the inside out. I could feel myself rotting and dying off. The more I made noise with this the more pills they would shove down my throat. Someone asked me to invoke him and I was like why? all I gotta do is need and really all I have to do is look around and hell pop up.

I use music to heal and it has to be a voice that goes thru me. Much like what Sully Erna’s Vocals does. I cant stand High pitched things, it actually drives me crazy.

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I think he is the perfect one to invoke and help you heal. There’s something - some thing i haven’t shared with anyone- but he lifted it off me in seconds. I was at the point I was going to fly away - and I wasn’t afraid. Something was killing me and he lifted it from me and I will forever adore him for it. He is amazing, let him work on you .

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