Summoned 3 tall greys. Aliens always interest, even when they are not truly alien…
Turned a drug into a living entity…
Made a portal into…well im not sure what the hell it connects to but its weird peering into that place and a massive headtrip.
Alot of stuff with aliens following Kenneth Grant’s cult of Lam ( a really interesting entity to work with)
Rest is boring day to day stuff like spells for jobs, protection, healing ,hexes , etc…nothing interesting. Entities are always interesting to me, although things were really fun before i burned out on hallucinogens. Now i just get flashes of light…
Had a weird female shadow being human i guess, except the horns on the sides of the head, just paralyses my left leg and leaps out. She was walking upside down on the cieling and vanished…but this is more paranormal (which was normal all my life) and less magick???I was practicing at the time, but couldn’t predict it.Got a dump truck work of stories with the supernatural, but was not practicing some times ( and ill assume theres a separate thread for it)…
Oh I did literally made it so every other person i saw was in a black shirt…a decade ago when i was first learning chaos magick…that was kinda interesting. The frequency increase was ridiculous (an experimentation in influencing and amplifying the frequency of events of a mundane level) .
Everything else was baneful…love spellls, sex spells always 100 % failed, and baneful stuff was almost effective all the time ( to varying degrees) …opening portals…Remember how after a love spell, or sex spell how things unravel and like, a negative ricochet effect comes of it, something ppl claim is usually present for baneful stuff, but never happens for baneful stuff…This i always found odd.
The larger things are best kept hidden…or rather i can see how any practitioner just coming out and claiming errmmm… world events or even newsworthy ones would be like shooting themselves…Great as Im sure many are tempted to speak of international espionage, or being the hand of death for _________,…actually, now interested if anybody will. Just seems strategically sound to only share local stuff…but then , especially if one uses mostly baneful spells, where is it ever wise to share such things…i mean one edges really close to unforeseen consequences …even though its not an illegal practice. I digress here ( am aware its not a topic on secrecy)