Most interesting thing you've done with magick

All I see are threads pertaining to love interests and ways to generate modest amounts of money. What are the real interesting things you’ve done?

Anyone cause natural disasters, change the face of a nation? Something actually worth discussing? Looking for motivation here, and mundane things like relationships and small amounts of money are not enticing enough for me

Such Big Scale things you talk about should be performed by magical groups (big projects, lots of energy; little projects, no need of so much)

Causing storms, punishing enemies, manifesting a house, contacting people in dreams, astral projection (not so much experience on this one as I’d like), helping others overcoming obstacles in their lives, helping with healing, improving rapport, the list is as longer as you want. This for a person is ok, I’ve done it.

Just keep on mind that, big projects, lots of people involved in it, be it a magickal one or non magickal

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If I did or was going to do those things I certainly wouldn’t talk about them here, thats the sort of thing that those in power will try to kill you for. Though I assure you what you mentioned is possible and can be done.

Things that I will talk about here though

One time I cause the sheets in this guys house to get physically overwritten with another pattern, used to just be a brown blanket but its got leaf patterns on it now. Getting a bit better at this in regards to control as I have gotten wacom to invent a cintiq tablet compatible with laptop computers, I would say thats my crowning achievement right there but still a ways off from getting real practical control over reality writing, but hey its a step in the right direction, lots of work still left to do though. Also it seems I accidently caused one of the voice actors for the my little pony cartoon to end up getting a different voice when this happened, may have been some sort of glitch that got written in as I wasn’t thinking about it at all.

I’ve also interacted with alot of interesting entities like alien entities, most people don’t usually interact with these guys using the occult just because there’s less practical material about them out there. One of my freinds got chucked across the room by a reptilian entity, I ended up subduing and later making freinds with it though.

I did a lotto experiment with the occult to try to discover why it is people can’t use the occult on the lotto, I discovered that there are legions of entities protecting it, an occult energy people direct towards winning the lotto will be eaten by these guys.

Also I’m making a pony egregore that makes people shit their pants, so yes I have been doing interesting things. I’ll even tell you guys what you need to do to make a person shit with your mind, if you can get into a deep enough state where you can sense it, the energy of a persons hang ups and attachments , this is the astral equivelent of shit, if you can direct it, you’ll also effect the real physical shit and bam, pants full of dooky!Both my occult teacher and a demonic king have used this move on me in the past, but only recently have I realized how they did it.


Taking most of my Golden Dawn tools and store them away…seriously

Creating doorways from tarot cards and venturing into unknown territories where I meet many interesting beings.

Bridging the gap between myself and my higher self

but most importantly, knowing who and what I really am.

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“Also I’m making a pony egregore that makes people shit their pants, so yes I have been doing interesting things.”

Well, the very first thought that came to my mind was…OH SHIT!

S.V.E any chance you could give instructions on how to create doorways from tarot cards please?

[quote=“Mode_439, post:5, topic:1749”]“Also I’m making a pony egregore that makes people shit their pants, so yes I have been doing interesting things.”

Well, the very first thought that came to my mind was…OH SHIT![/quote]

Jizzed in my pants omg lol


If you refer back to my earlier post, theres a little bit of info concerning your question that may help


The idea of “Gateways” came to me while scrying the Tattvas as below and meeting various elemental beings respectively. Most of them, particularly the fire elementals, kept using this term frequently.

The one Tattvas concerning the skill set of Clairvoyance and Clairaudience would be the Water Element. The idea here is to create a small index card set of all five images using colors that “Flash”. By this I mean that the background color will have a vibrating tone in your vision making the foreground color come to life, similar to gazing at a sigil, same effect.

Here is a good example of the Fire Tattvas in bright flashing tones to help you create the gateway.

What I would be doing is, after the preliminary rites have been performed I sit on my chair in the center of the temple facing the direction accordingly. I would gaze at the Tattva until it begins to flash its color brightly. Once you know its “activated” then immediately move your eyes in front of you in the space before you. You will now see the " negative" image of the colors/shape.

Through your will expand the image large enough for you to astral move inside it. I normally use a mantra from the appropriate god-name for that element. I enter my astral double then move in.

What you see and hear on “the other side” is nothing short of amazing, not to mention that the visions that will appear are completely objective from your own consciousness, you could never make them up. Not only will you meet and greet with various entities, but also certain cultural “archetypes” that surface and also want to have a discourse with you.

As a side note, ever thought about just creating a gateway of a spirit sigil and walking through it?..what would you find on the other side?

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My most interesting thing in magic would be either having sex with a goddess and then a total stranger handed me 1000$ and walked away OR blowing an “Amigo” with a road rage problem off the road over an embankment.

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unrelated question but who the FUCK is baphomet? I’m assuming it’s an alias

If you are talking about Baphomet (like my tattoo on my profile pic) basically it is a symbol of balance and unity. There is far more to it, but that is a good quick answer.

If you are talking about the forum memeber, then yes it is an alias. (Unless their parents names them Baphomet which would be pretty badass.)

[quote=“Orismen, post:11, topic:1749”]If you are talking about Baphomet (like my tattoo on my profile pic) basically it is a symbol of balance and unity. There is far more to it, but that is a good quick answer.

If you are talking about the forum memeber, then yes it is an alias. (Unless their parents names them Baphomet which would be pretty badass.)[/quote]

Ah I see. So like a western symbol of the yin and yang? Very interesting. I had thought it to be an alias of an astral entity, a demonic king or something

Many thanks for your reply S.V.E. I’ll try scrying the symbols.

It’s also a very real entity.

It’s also a very real entity.[/quote]

Indeed.I’m not sure if he works for Satan or Lucifer or maybe both.
His energy feels somewhat like Set however.

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How did u subdue it… I heard of using a wand. I’m having trouble with some entities and I’m gonna try and use them. I’m gonna create a binding to it an someone else and let it feed off them. U have any advice for me?

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I have:

  • Created an incorporeal dog (resembling a very large black pitbull) which I call upon as needed for protection
  • Performed an exorcism (not the Catholic one)
  • Bound an abusive person (resulting in their victim finally standing up to the abuser and cutting them off)
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Summoned 3 tall greys. Aliens always interest, even when they are not truly alien…

Turned a drug into a living entity…

Made a portal into…well im not sure what the hell it connects to but its weird peering into that place and a massive headtrip.

Alot of stuff with aliens following Kenneth Grant’s cult of Lam ( a really interesting entity to work with)

Rest is boring day to day stuff like spells for jobs, protection, healing ,hexes , etc…nothing interesting. Entities are always interesting to me, although things were really fun before i burned out on hallucinogens. Now i just get flashes of light…

Had a weird female shadow being human i guess, except the horns on the sides of the head, just paralyses my left leg and leaps out. She was walking upside down on the cieling and vanished…but this is more paranormal (which was normal all my life) and less magick???I was practicing at the time, but couldn’t predict it.Got a dump truck work of stories with the supernatural, but was not practicing some times ( and ill assume theres a separate thread for it)…

Oh I did literally made it so every other person i saw was in a black shirt…a decade ago when i was first learning chaos magick…that was kinda interesting. The frequency increase was ridiculous (an experimentation in influencing and amplifying the frequency of events of a mundane level) .

Everything else was baneful…love spellls, sex spells always 100 % failed, and baneful stuff was almost effective all the time ( to varying degrees) …opening portals…Remember how after a love spell, or sex spell how things unravel and like, a negative ricochet effect comes of it, something ppl claim is usually present for baneful stuff, but never happens for baneful stuff…This i always found odd.

The larger things are best kept hidden…or rather i can see how any practitioner just coming out and claiming errmmm… world events or even newsworthy ones would be like shooting themselves…Great as Im sure many are tempted to speak of international espionage, or being the hand of death for _________,…actually, now interested if anybody will. Just seems strategically sound to only share local stuff…but then , especially if one uses mostly baneful spells, where is it ever wise to share such things…i mean one edges really close to unforeseen consequences …even though its not an illegal practice. I digress here ( am aware its not a topic on secrecy)


I loved this response!

I found some quarters once.