Mistaken identity?

I started writing this as a response to C.J’s Masks of power ‘v’ external forces and then realised that it was a fuckin question for E.A, I think I need a new pair of glasses lol. I’m not sure if the forum have ever tackled this concept before but it’s a great question and it will certainly throw up alot of differences in the opinions of magical practitioners and how they view spiritual contact, so I thought I’d place my own answer here in response to this question.

I think there definitely is outside spiritual activity, which isn’t a product of human thought and for want of a better word, we could say that this is pure energy to whatever degree or label you wish to place on it, be this a God, demon, angel or whatever it has evolved into through its own nature. I also know that there are many spirits, which are nothing more than an extension of our own thoughts and the energy we give them.

When I started out years ago in ritual magic, all spirits to me in those days were viewed as outside entities. This was how I viewed spirit and it was the only way I could possibly understand it at that moment due to inexperience. The beauty of thinking this way however opened up my mind to all sorts of possibilities as I thought that spirits could do anything and would therefore allow me to achieve whatever I asked of them. I loved this whole concept of being able to think outside the box and for once in my restricted lifestyle, to be able to be as good as anybody else. As time went on though, I realised through successes and failures that magic followed its own path and protocol but because I still never had the confidence in my magical abilities back then, this whole idea of there just being a superior outside force of entities was also intimidating and confusing to me.

Seeing ritual practice in this respect was definitely a limiting element. It gave me the impression that I had to gain ‘secret knowledge’ to get the spirits to truly work for me and until this happened, then I would only ever be an average magician. So the pros and cons are obvious here as on one hand the spirits are all powerful and can grant us anything but on the other hand, if you don’t know how to approach them or use that special ‘thingamajig’ than you’ll just be a green belt in the practice and never strive to the ranks of 1st Dan black belt or whatever.

As time went on though and I started to truly learn more about this weird and wonderful practice, I realised that we can also produce our own spirits. I knew ‘after many years’ of experiments that our consciousness could become extended and produce independent thinking entities that were still under our control. As I evolved myself as a magician, my experience and belief in my abilities allowed these ideas to surface as I would never have been able to get my head around them due to the naivety I had in the early days. This gave me more confidence to swing the mighty sword and totally take control over my life better as I knew that this class of spirit would simply do whatever I asked as long as I was willingly to do my bit as well. I also lost a good deal of that magical state of mind in this respect as I realised that I couldn’t just light a candle and say a few words and be granted some extraordinary gift! My bubble burst in the same way as a child when I realised that Santa Claus didn’t exist.

So my advancement has certainly led me into more practical uses of thought forms, Tulpa and all forms of manufactured spirits. I don’t really use the traditional forms of spirits these days as I have specialised on Egregores for over 18 months with results that could not only equal any outside force, but totally kick its ass!!

I suppose that my own growing belief in myself as a magician inspired this magical path I now take. I also belief that the majority of spirits used are egregorical in nature and therefore, originally came from humans, but to finish here for now…I still believe in those outside forces, I just simply choose to use my own creations for now but if I ever do decide to use a God, demon or angel…I know that I am the master and they will do as I ask, not because I’ve learned a special code or something, but because magic has given me alot of self respect and love for the nature of spirit and how it operates.

Thanks for posting it. Been only doing it for the past 3+ years, and much longer due to certain circumstances. My first magick was just using Psi magick, and the first use of demons was similar to what you said. Understanding the secret knowledge of demons is akin to just upgrading your skills used in mass consciousness. Belial teaches me much in that department.

In alot of cases though, this style of thinking wont make you popular amongst the GD crowd and similar others; as the very structure of their practices is in fact an intelligent “Tulpa Simulation” in itself to keep them trapped in that mode. You may have noticed this when trying to initially leave your regular sphere of influence which is alot like the matrix movie. My favorite scene of course being The Merovingian =)

I believe in an outside force if you were to consider existence as such. Other than this I think we exist as a hierarchy of selves. This hierarchy of selves can be seen when we start breaking up and dividing the planes of existence in magical systems that utilize soul travel. I have integrated my mind with some of these selves and have been able to travel to some of these planes in the first person while in a meditative state, this is not to be confused with lucid dreaming or soul travel from the 2nd person perspective meaning that you’re an observer watching a self-created you live out an experience.

With that being said I think there is some substance here because this 2nd person perspective to me is made up of the same thing as a demon, god or any entity that one would invoke, meditate upon or evoke within their occult operations. Without constant focus that causes this energy to be constrained this “being” becomes autonomous, developing it’s own personality, doing it’s own thing. So in other words if there’s a preconceived notion that this being is supposed to act, look or be a certain way it’s more than likely going to be that way when it’s given the freedom to do so.

But we are talking about the 2nd person perspective here and just because it exists or appears to be an external force at times it shouldn’t qualify as such. Just as quick as this projection can turn into a demon it can be an exact carbon copy of the self. Not to mention if you can integrate the mind into one of these higher selves during meditation, the same platform you created for these demons to appear in, wouldn’t it make sense that these beings are something self-created?

Sure, they can be whatever you want them to be as long as it get’s the job done and empowers you but what is their true essence if they’re not an aspect of the self? Are they aspects of existence? Imo, the only thing that makes us different from the essence of existence is if we put the blinders on and accept duality as truth while we identify with our pain-bodies and the material plane. If we remove these blinders and lift the veil all is one meaning that there is no difference between you and I, the gods and man because we are all just energy. Ego gives that energy purpose and again this would imply that these beings are self created if we give these beings purpose and value by shaping energy.

Interesting points. I too recently came to a conclusion. I have studied all the most basic forms of magick to the point that I could write a book on each one, easily answer newbie questions, blog about them etc. and am currently branching to more highly advanced methods and systems that are unfit for new magicians, eager to explore something new and exciting since I have learned everything else and have been practicing it for years.

I always felt once I learned a new way of magick that I needed to keep exploring but eventually I reached that point where the only things left to explore were the highly advanced and more dangerous paths but I always felt like if I wasn’t constantly coming up with new spells or meditations that I’d lose my touch and frankly most of the spells beginner and intermediate level spells in books and online I have already done again and again.

The information available on black magick spells and meditations is sparse so I felt like I was unable to keep practicing new meditations and spells on a regular basis, and felt like I wasn’t going to advance any further because of the lack of the information I wanted. But I am starting to realize that just because I don’t constantly have something new to do, it has nothing to do with my advancement. That I am still molding the reality around me even if I have a temporary lack of new content to study and spells to perform.

Basically, I always felt like if I didn’t have a brand new magick ‘whatever’ to perform at least every few days that I was wasting my time and not using it wisely, but you don’t have to perform magick every day in order to live a constant lifestyle. Even when new resources are sparse, hard to find, or unavailable to you, you can still ascend gracefully if you live your life around the LHP concepts and are constantly aware that magick is all around us, molding and shaping your future just from the very act of believing in it.

I have taken to writing my own spells more often than I normally do because what I find online or in books is not suiting or is just too newbie oriented. So I think, unless really useful, I will stick to only doing my own spells from now on and those that my familiars and guardians help me with because from my previous experiences my guardians and familiars come up with some pretty powerful stuff and others have been testing some of these spells for me in secrecy and have reported back with good results.

My youtube channel is mostly newbie and intermediate oriented stuff right now but I don’t want to share too much of the advanced stuff because it will be going in my book and I promised my guardian I would keep them secret until such time as it is published, then after that I will release some of that content on youtube but I’m not sure what kinds of black magick or advanced magick content to upload to my channel that others haven’t already done before or without revealing too much info from my book as I imagine most advanced magicians who would watch my channel will have already studied any advanced content that I upload, but maybe not. I’ll see what I can come up with because I don’t want my channel to be too newbie oriented.

Each Entity exists as a power shared within all individuals (some more than others) but it exists also outside of them as a binding 3rd entity, because it is a shared psychic and thus physical/social interactive psychic network where synchronicities through the filter of said entity feed into each other. Thus, you would wear a specific Shamans Mask to “validate” your interaction with such an all pervasive force.

The appearance and associated powera of said mask would influence your own interaction with such a spiritual force. The spiritual force is real, but it exists also as a part of the various groups of people. This is where the study of history, symbolism and psychology come in handy as it helps you interact with these forces by understanding them.

[quote=“RavensAscent, post:4, topic:6495”]Interesting points. I too recently came to a conclusion. I have studied all the most basic forms of magick to the point that I could write a book on each one, easily answer newbie questions, blog about them etc. and am currently branching to more highly advanced methods and systems that are unfit for new magicians, eager to explore something new and exciting since I have learned everything else and have been practicing it for years.

I always felt once I learned a new way of magick that I needed to keep exploring but eventually I reached that point where the only things left to explore were the highly advanced and more dangerous paths but I always felt like if I wasn’t constantly coming up with new spells or meditations that I’d lose my touch and frankly most of the spells beginner and intermediate level spells in books and online I have already done again and again.

The information available on black magick spells and meditations is sparse so I felt like I was unable to keep practicing new meditations and spells on a regular basis, and felt like I wasn’t going to advance any further because of the lack of the information I wanted. But I am starting to realize that just because I don’t constantly have something new to do, it has nothing to do with my advancement. That I am still molding the reality around me even if I have a temporary lack of new content to study and spells to perform.

Basically, I always felt like if I didn’t have a brand new magick ‘whatever’ to perform at least every few days that I was wasting my time and not using it wisely, but you don’t have to perform magick every day in order to live a constant lifestyle. Even when new resources are sparse, hard to find, or unavailable to you, you can still ascend gracefully if you live your life around the LHP concepts and are constantly aware that magick is all around us, molding and shaping your future just from the very act of believing in it.

I have taken to writing my own spells more often than I normally do because what I find online or in books is not suiting or is just too newbie oriented. So I think, unless really useful, I will stick to only doing my own spells from now on and those that my familiars and guardians help me with because from my previous experiences my guardians and familiars come up with some pretty powerful stuff and others have been testing some of these spells for me in secrecy and have reported back with good results.

My youtube channel is mostly newbie and intermediate oriented stuff right now but I don’t want to share too much of the advanced stuff because it will be going in my book and I promised my guardian I would keep them secret until such time as it is published, then after that I will release some of that content on youtube but I’m not sure what kinds of black magick or advanced magick content to upload to my channel that others haven’t already done before or without revealing too much info from my book as I imagine most advanced magicians who would watch my channel will have already studied any advanced content that I upload, but maybe not. I’ll see what I can come up with because I don’t want my channel to be too newbie oriented.[/quote]

Generally speaking what would you consider intermediate and/or advanced oriented stuff to be?

C.J. you are right

the thing is, as with all things, that they are both dual and non-dual.

the entities really are the Masks of Power. but the problem is that regular human westernized dayside consciousness has a tendency to ensorcell things. in other words, we put limitation of our own understanding upon the subject.

so consciously using a mask of power is the right way to do it… but it lacks power. unless you give it power.

but considering an entity which exists on it’s own ensures that it has it’s own power on which you can rely.

in the end, you are the entity.

and all this, MAYA … is a spherical circus of mirrors.

so whatever motivates you when calling an entity, use it. because, all is truth. and in itself, this is the single phenomenon which EMPOWERS, and at the same time TAKES POWER AWAY, because it again leaves you passive in mundane world, having an ordinary point of view, whitout magical reality.

i strongly believe that ALL wizards, sorcerers, mages, priests and others of wise folk have many moments when they think they just made it all up.

and that’s why it’s hidden. because it’s here. you just have to come here also.

so, to conclude with highest truth:

all things are Masks of Power
all things are permutations of Self

so speaketh the mad

Thanks! I really needed to hear this today and it makes me happy to hear that others understand the vastness of being.

[quote=“c.j. lee, post:1, topic:6494”]As you know I started out on the LHP as a theistic satanist but over the years through personal experience my opinions and thoughts about the essence of spirits has changed drastically. I no longer believe that these “beings” or “entities” exist outside of myself, meaning that they exist hidden within my subconscious mind or inner space as an aspect of myself or as latent powers.

Since I started approaching these spirits as masks of power during my evocations I have found that it’s much easier to bring the results I desire to fruition compared to clinging on to hope, believing that some external force would see me worthy and give me the things I desire.

My question is since the LHP incorporates many understandings, what would you consider to be the pros and cons of approaching a spirit as a Mask of Power that’s hidden within the magician’s subconscious mind v.s. approaching a spirit as an autonomous being that exists outside of the magician’s subconscious mind?

I’m just curious to hear your thoughts on this topic because people tend to gravitate towards one side or the other concerning this subject and you’re like an opened book when it comes to understanding these things from all angles. I think what you’d have to share on this topic would save a lot of newer people from some serious confusion when approaching different systems that utilize evocation as a foundation to receive gnosis and material gain.

Sure it all comes down to what works for the magician but surely one side or the other has the potential to bring the magician better results because in my opinion worshiping these beings is kind of limiting and cliche in a Christian sense, being that you’re trading one demiurge for another. So if they truly do exist as aspects of the magician’s mind wouldn’t worshiping these beings leave room for epic failure since people become their own enemies all the time?[/quote] Thats some deep shit bro! Basically saying the power of the entity exists in all of us? It’s our determination and “WILL” to send it to the universe to bring our desires to fruition!? Are you also saying,these powerful energies are only as powerful as the emotions we generate,as we are the major link to their existence of our world?


but it is still human dayside way to cognize reality.

in actuality, you don’t generate emotions. you block them.

you are The Power and the Entity. (the same thing)

this Entity, the Creature can not be named.

by naming It, by naming the Tao, you get a smaller, in some ways specific and defined version of The Whole.

is this clear?

you can not name the Power. words like Shakti, Satan, Shub-Niggurath, Hecate, Melek Taus, Lucifer, Azathoth are names which describe the Whole in some way. and all the sacred names i wrote here are truly most sacred and phenomenal.

it is interesting point to know that you may actually study the occult for a long period of time, advancing in knowledge, but not actually “getting it”

if you don’t “get it”, you might have some thoughts and ideas about all these entities not actually being the same, eternal, One.

the One is all frequencies, all dimensions, all powers and entities.

all of Chaos and Anarchy. ALL.

if you would just take this text and used it as a kind of a mantra, a new dimension of awareness regarding Evocation and Invocation might occur to you.

there would be no more questions.

[quote=“pinoyboyz, post:9, topic:6495”][quote=“c.j. lee, post:1, topic:6494”]As you know I started out on the LHP as a theistic satanist but over the years through personal experience my opinions and thoughts about the essence of spirits has changed drastically. I no longer believe that these “beings” or “entities” exist outside of myself, meaning that they exist hidden within my subconscious mind or inner space as an aspect of myself or as latent powers.

Since I started approaching these spirits as masks of power during my evocations I have found that it’s much easier to bring the results I desire to fruition compared to clinging on to hope, believing that some external force would see me worthy and give me the things I desire.

My question is since the LHP incorporates many understandings, what would you consider to be the pros and cons of approaching a spirit as a Mask of Power that’s hidden within the magician’s subconscious mind v.s. approaching a spirit as an autonomous being that exists outside of the magician’s subconscious mind?

I’m just curious to hear your thoughts on this topic because people tend to gravitate towards one side or the other concerning this subject and you’re like an opened book when it comes to understanding these things from all angles. I think what you’d have to share on this topic would save a lot of newer people from some serious confusion when approaching different systems that utilize evocation as a foundation to receive gnosis and material gain.

Sure it all comes down to what works for the magician but surely one side or the other has the potential to bring the magician better results because in my opinion worshiping these beings is kind of limiting and cliche in a Christian sense, being that you’re trading one demiurge for another. So if they truly do exist as aspects of the magician’s mind wouldn’t worshiping these beings leave room for epic failure since people become their own enemies all the time?[/quote] Thats some deep shit bro! Basically saying the power of the entity exists in all of us? It’s our determination and “WILL” to send it to the universe to bring our desires to fruition!? Are you also saying,these powerful energies are only as powerful as the emotions we generate,as we are the major link to their existence of our world?[/quote]

Yes, this is exactly what I’ve been getting at. Doesn’t it make more sense to you?

I just moved & merged the replies to c.j.lee’s topic in the Q&A to here, to keep it all in one thread. Hope no-one minds, we’re trying to keep the Q&A as questions ONLY, and this one especially already had a nice healthy thread. :slight_smile:

What is the difference between what you believe (regarding the inherent power of humans) and any number of motivational speakers like Tony Robins? Why do you call your belief system “magick”? Why not just say that you believe in science and positive thinking?