Mind Control thoughts/paths

Yeah, I was really in awe of the power of a spirit like Astaroth who totally fucked me over for three+ days and made me psychotic. I was, up until that point, really somewhat dismissive of the power of these spirits, like yeah, right demons can’t do that etc etc. I believed in bullshit like “mental health”. I way underestimated what they can do and it is my fault for being way too much of a skeptic to my own determent.


You are well read certainly. I don’t know how you retain it all lol. I will check them out. I think I remember Igor Ledochowski.

I’ll take a look at the course.

Do you have a specific way you summon Norski?

This is the kind of thing that scares me lol I feel like it wouldn’t be hard to tip a person into a direction. My philosophy has always been anyone would do anything given the right circumstances.

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Don’t agree to unconditional possession. Don’t ask to be taken “to hell.” Have limits and boundaries and don’t let emotions in the moment overwhelm you. (demons can help with that as well)


Me either honestly, if I have a superpower it’s my memory haha. I’ve averaged a book a week since Jr high. I’m always trying things and cementing what I like most. I look for common principles because truth runs through everything. It’s all connected

Dave Riker is perhaps the best teachee on the use of patterns. A lot of the other guys are so all over the place nothing sinks in without listening to it 3x to get your mental map up to speed. I learned the best thing to do is really “go there first” and don’t try to “do” NLP, just connect deeply and steer that way

For Demonic Evocations I use Demons of Magick by Gordon Winterfield with an extreme emphasis on accuracy with the instructions


Which ritual do you prefer? I did the second one yesterday but couldn’t really feel/hear/see anything which is fine. Just more practice.

I have seen you talk about servitors as well Norski. To what degree do you use them? I feel like they could be infinitely powerful if powerful at all.

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I like them all and used ritual 2 almost exclusively for a few years due to how versatile it is. Lately I’ve been seeing how far I can get with just hitting ritual 1 really well and honing in on targeting even further

Ritual 3 is …intense if you can let yourself sink that deeply into trance. Every part of my brain wants to fight it and I’ve felt Asmodai laugh at me amused saying “the day you can look upon us as if we’re just another person and command the same is the day you’ll realize the full potential of Goetia”

Certain spirits give more insight during connective evos. Gaap pretty much shifts the scenery in my mind to his liking and fills the proverbial room with his vibe. A common theme I ran into was “don’t project answers, listen.” That went a long way, they often teach me through conversations and happenstance with others


Honestly good advice. Just trying to get them to fully evoke could get me to say or do a lot of things I probably shouldn’t out of desperation.

Demons of Magick is the book I used for Goetia. If I wanted to go full demon mode now, I’d prefer Lucifer and the Hidden Demons. Either is fine and can get you what you are presumably looking for.

Influence of any kind can work more readily when you are not trying to oppose someone’s natural inclinations. Some may think the image of someone barking in your face and pressing their will down upon you is a good way to make someone believe what you want them to believe, and sometimes I could see that working, but if you try and follow a playbook of tactics like this you’ll probably not be very influential. You have to understand the materials you are working with if you want to be able to manipulate those materials and use them to make what you want out of the situation.

This is something the demons will teach you if you let them do so. If you do not see how things play out when certain things happen, you won’t be able to understand how it all works. I am speaking generally because the subject demands more words than I want to write late at night while I am relaxing.

I am also skeptical of NLP. I have read only very little about it, but from that it seems very much so like the playbook of tricks I think it is good to avoid. There’s nothing wrong with picking up a little thing here and there, but all the “your eyes look in this direction when you think this or that” is a load of baloney. If you really want to read someone’s mind, you can tell things from eye movements, but it’s more about the timing of their speech and the emotional energy they emit in any given moment. With just some knowledge about the person and by paying close attention to their behavior, you can spot things that happen pretty quickly and make quite reasonable inferences from that which you can later confirm with repeated displays of emotional energy.

That is, of course, if you understand how the mind works. Your own mind is much easier to access in great depth, and so makes a good training grounds. Neglect this and you will fall into self-delusion as you make hasty presumptions rooted in your own emotional composition. You will project all your shit onto them and so come to inaccurate conclusions is what I am saying.

This is rarely so amusing as when it happens with one who thinks they’re some clever fuckin operator. They think they are playing 5D space chess while you are playing regular 3D space chess. I’m not even playing anything. With some, I am down to play, sometimes. Nowadays I don’t do too much of this sort of play because war is tiring. Even so, some think they can pull this or that on you, or they think they’re reading your intentions, or whatever. It’s like that Indiana Jones scene with the sword dude who waves it all around and shit and then gets fuckin shot, only it’s not even that, they just fuckin impale themselves while I stand there doing nothing. I mean I don’t do shit, but they think it’s going down. Thankfully, these people tend to be good for offloading negative emotion, self-therapy, and useful life lessons you don’t want to learn on people that matter, so that’s nice.

I value clarity and truthfulness quite highly. Unless there is pretty clearly corruption that will fuck with that, I speak clear and true. But we all “make mistakes” because of our patterns and experiences we adapt to. If all you do is practice with hostiles, how will you know how to make peace?

Fighting enemies I can do without much if any reservation and with quite reasonable effectiveness. Dealing with relationships characterized by hatred is second-nature to me. In fact, it is more natural than anything else. Such has been the circumstances of my birth and subsequent life. Now, having a life with people who aren’t out to get you, who aren’t trying to block you, sabotage you, undermine you, nip away at your soul because they have none, just trying in whatever way they can to gain, maintain, and assert power over you, even the most trivial, petty, insignificant of things, that is strange, unnatural, and unnerving. Hate monsters are useful for training, but I suppose you may ask yourself if you seek this power out of need or for the shallow thrill of performing black magick to spread mayhem and adorn your ego with empty vanities.

You may think you’re fuckin tough, but there is always the bigger fish. The belligerent are so often in the position to easily forget that in war, there are always casualties. If you have no war, why do you need to influence?


It’s kind of funny I had just started reading Lucifer and the hidden Demons. They don’t really explain the justification for working with Lucifer other than he is not the person everyone thinks in the bible. You implied you are not full demon mode now. What are you then?

I read that wall of text. I am going to try and summarize points you may be making. Feel free to correct me.

It sounds like you are referring to micro expressions being more valuable than NLP. I think they can be and perceiving them is difficult but not impossible once you establish a baseline.

I do not believe anyone understand how the mind works. Even if you did, who’s mind?

Peace seems to keep coming up. Assume that I grew up in a terrible household where I could control nothing. Now being able to control others via magick would give me solace in the fact that I am in control and then I could ease off the control because I know I could have it through magick. If that is the case the natural progression in my mind is to work on oneself so you no longer require it.

I have had bad anxiety. I couldn’t smoke weed without having a panic attack. I did it anyways as a challenge. To prove that I could do it. Since then my anxiety has decreased. I could smoke weed if I wanted to. The point was not to smoke weed but be able to do so.

I don’t have enemies that I am aware of. Not really the type. I would say there is an inner war. Influence over one’s surroundings is a form of control that may be useful to have in relinquishing control if that makes sense.

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I believe that the control demonic magick gives you in your life leads to greater peace. If you are at peace with your place in the material world, then you may get yourself self-actualized and have a fulfilling life. I believe the magick guides you to see that you can control what matters with magick power alongside your own actions and decisions. Being a control-freak probably means you live in fear, as if you really know and experience that you are in control, there is no need to fear.

Right now I’m in the midst of speaking the Enochian Keys. I do other stuff alongside that, but that is the magick that is defining my life most significantly at this time.

I say micro expressions are important because some neglect the listening aspect of influence. If you don’t know what’s going on over there, you are shooting into the dark. You may get lucky, but that is not how I recommend playing the game. It is about playing the probabilities. You can never be 100% certain of an outcome, but you can learn to feel out the probabilities and give yourself the best chance of making what you want to happen occur.

I’m not saying NLP is useless, and really I can’t speak to it because I know very little about it. My approach is more rooted in modern psychological science mixed with occult techniques. The objective is the same, and so methods are often similar, but I believe it is useful to better understand each of the individual components involved. Better understanding how the mind works is almost the entire point of magick and meditation, so yes, I think people do understand to greater or lesser extents what goes on in the mind.

Angels and/or demons, and/or whatever, any sort of magick can help with material and inner concerns. If you feel drawn to the demons, I believe it is because they have knowledge for you.

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Agreed. It’s all just tools in the end. If something truly feels magickal/powerful it is. Same concept of value with currency and trade in many ways


The only thing that trips me up is what power can and should be used vs what is likely dangerous. The book Lucifer and the hidden demons mentioned above doesn’t use any angels for example for protection. Just pathworking. Seems dangerous. Not sure what the justification is for safety if there is one.

Pathworking in the usual sense or in the modern pop magick marketing buzzword sense where most people use the term Evocation Keys or Sensory associations?

I don’t know why but people love to cause confusion to sell books. It happens a ton with the personal development sphere

It’s typically used to describe deep work with a spirit or group of them in an area of life to attain a degree of mastery somewhere. It’s a common short tail keyword that search engines group in with the occult that nobody was trying to compete for so it ranks very highly when searched for and some author ghost wrote a bunch of books using the term and reinvented the wheel. Kinda annoying but it’s all semantics. Just makes searching more difficult for serious practitioners

</end rant>

If it’s actual pathworking then your sincere desire and clarity of requests will be enough to protect. If it’s the branding thing it’s just going to forge a stronger connection to them and do nothing for protection or results beyond convincing you they’re there and making your call more welcoming to them

Hopefully they put a ritual opening in that covers that. Most use something related to elements and archangels

I guess I don’t really know the difference. Gallery of Magick uses evocation keys and you said you have used them a lot.

Lucifer and the hidden Demons uses the word pathworking. I have a hard time with that book too because they spend time saying that lucifer and satan aren’t the same thing but then do not explain who or what lucifer or demons are and they don’t bother to have any kind of protection. So you are in the camp of protection isn’t really needed then?

In that book they just have you imagine a destination and not how you got there. So kind of the same thing really.

Pathworking is the technique of using the imagination to connect to spiritual realities. The term comes from the practice of walking the 22 paths of the Tree of Life. It’s also sometimes called “working in vision.”

The term has been co-opted in modern practice to refer to in depth work with a specific group of spirits, such as EA’s 9 Getekeepers, but that is a bit of a misnomer. The technique of Lucifer and the Hidden Demons is what pathworking actually refers to.

As for protection, it is not generally needed when working in vision, though you can always shield yourself prior to working if you feel the need.

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If you’re interested in mind control then you should read this book, imo. It has a section on mind control with useful information about what to look out for, etc.

I’ve not had too much success with it yet tbh, although i have been able to utilize it in a few moments when it was necessary.
Generally the method i use, is forming astral tendrils, piercing the targets shield, and burrowing into their chakras, and then through there into their soul and mind, to nearly instantly take control of their body. Then i channel my will, crushing all opposition in them and overriding their own with my desired commands. However each action has to be dictated by myself mentally and can only be a simple action such as stop moving, or move there.

I would love to check it out. EAs prices are just a bit too high for me.