
Thank you I even have a tat of metatron and all my other tats have 13 symbolism in it


Interesting, because Leonard Nimoy did explain that was a Jewish symbol, so if you can submit to our rules on here I am sure you’ll find many interesting things, and thank you for replying in full. :+1:

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Sounds great here is my alter now; I want to get some sigils for a few angels and demons to add to it. I want to get 6 angels and 6 demon sigils plus a metatron sigil for the middle


Metatron has been floating around a lot and has even come up in readings other people have done for me. Interesting.

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What an interesting fella.
Welcome to BALG. :slight_smile:

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Thanks for the warm welcome. If anyone knows some angels and demons that bring prosperity and knowledge and possibly work well under metatron?


I dont know if they work “under” Metatron, but they certainly work “with” him:

Raphael: keeper of knowledge
Zadkiel: prosperity, lost knowledge/memories
Uriel: success in business
Ariel: manifestation of ressources
Raziel: understanding complex information
Jeremiel: getting spiritual visions


Thanks for the info I’m going to start researching them now, do they have demon counterparts because I want to have an as above so below type deal with the two triangles with the sigils under the spheres and have a silver and gold chain in two triangle shapes to contain them with 6 obsidian scrying mirrors pointed at their counter part at each corner.

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I just saw your reply.

Do you meditate?

Yep I enjoy meditation

And what is it that you have seen in your meditation?

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I meditate on the tree of life with metatron as the blooming flower on top of the tree of life. During this meditation I feel pressure build in my third eye until I can feel energy emanating from my third eye. After meditation is when I see things and feelings; my surroundings feel like what blue looks like. I see normally but feel like I’m seeing blue with my third eye, when I see plant life a see/feel yellow and people and animals range in their colors from orange and red to green. Crystals have a range from purple to blue and when I hold them I feel like they are vibrating waves of emotion. this ability lasts a few hours after a good meditation

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This post seriously started the day after I was thinking about Metatron. Those Crystal’s and that arrangement have so much power.

20 posts were split to a new topic: Removed posts

My Obsidian Scrying mirror will be here tomorrow to add to the grid, natural obsidian mirrors are hard to get most of the stuff out there is dyed glass from China. I also have the greenie Thoth deck coming to replace the 5 cards that represent me. I’m also adding this alter cloth.


How can i call metatron and make a relationship with him? What is his thoughts about qliphoths deities?

Uriel came to me in a dream. 8 months Ago, and i only heard ‘’ dont give the offering to the entity that you war thinking to, give It to Uriel’’ and o Was like wtf is Uriel. That i googled and search her sigil and atributte, bought yellow candles, wrote down the sigil and bought cinnamom incense. He came on just the second minute mantring his name. His presence Was so powerful and calming. After that i never had any contacto with him. I Wonder why he came to my dream…


You write well. You are a good narrator, I mean.

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Welcome to BALG! :slight_smile:

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