Message For YOU? Stoicheia & Greek Letters

Spirits have clever ways of leading us to information. I believe Belial must of had a hand in this somehow. This is a meaning Behind Belials name, but FYI do not take this for meaning Belial is jewish either as he is much older than any of that. Another thing is keep in mind that it is said that sometimes Belial manifests as two most beautiful angels (twin suns… internal/external) which can symbollically equate with this:

The name Beli, is sometimes referred to be a Celtic/Pagan name for the Sun, while Al, refers to El, of the pre-monotheistic Hebrew Sun deities called Elohim; hence, Beli-al is a composite name for the Sun.

As for the meaning behind that translation, essentially one in Kabbalah or Tree of Life Magick must Balance the atrength of ones vessel (Malkuth) with the Light that spills down from the Sun (Kether). But the truth is there is no upright or Inverse as that has more to raising energy (ascescion) and grounding it into a Usable and useful magickal state (Descescion) in this physical world. So rather than thinking of Kether and Malkuth as Top and Bottom and energy going back and forth across the tree…one sees Kether and Malkuth as being Present everywhere just like Daath is everywhere on the tree (FYI Belial is both the Guardian and Guide Archangelic Daemon whom holds the Light of Daath). What this actually means is that one looks at the Tree of Life as a Map of a human body instead where Malkuth and Kether much rather representing the Expansion and Contraction of the SunLight energy Pulsating from ones Vessel/Cells (Daath/Kether/Malkuth everywhere: cellular information is cellular energy emanating from ones physical cells) as that is where the energy comes from.

The drying up of the Land refers to ones Source energy (liquid light) as taking formation into a solid energy body form, as in kabbalah there is mention of a Dark Lamp vessel easily shattered by Divine Light…but said Vessel is made of Divine Light actually so isnt seperate so isn in fact a combination of Alchemical transitions of energy that come from the self which holds the Vessel rigid and unbreakable.

Im glad you translated this. Remember all that I said here is knowledge that comes from Belial and his heirarchy as I have been aware they have been bringing puzzle peices togethor by having different people deliver messages, help, etc.

Alot of info there Biosynth, thanks for sharing. I am not sure if I understood everything you said, but it certainly is food for a lot of thought. I want to point out two things though:

  1. While I was reading your post I remembered that I read a few months back in this book ([url=][/url]) that one can possibly replace the jewish letters and deities in the tree of life with their corresponding letters and deities from the greek or norse alphabet/pantheon if that makes the user feel more confortable ( at least thats how i remember it, its been some time since i read about it). So could it possible that the concept of the tree of life is actually much older than the jewish version?

  2. It’s funny that you mention Belial. I have no experience with evocation or spirit communication, but out of all the spirits I have read about in books Belial is the only one that I believe I would be absolutely terrified to communicate with. I dont know the reason why and it’s propably a misconception of mine but something about him is really scary.

I’m sure it is. I’ve always assumed it was simply their way of representing the fundamental laws/structure of the Multiverse.

Can you please confirm the ancient pronunciations of eta, omicron, omega and upsilon?

^ Seconded please, I know from my results using Flowers’ Stoicheia that there’s power there, and the optimum pronunciation can only improve this.

Can you please confirm the ancient pronunciations of eta, omicron, omega and upsilon?[/quote]

Eta is (EEta as i) emphasising in i like ET (Phone home heheeh)

Omicron is as you see it you pronounce it the same way (omeekron) emphasising on O

Omega is the same emphasising on (e)

Upsilon is again as the previous ones (EEpseelon) emphasising on the 1st (ee)

How is Iota pronounced?

I’ve had good results in the Stoicheia system pronouncing that like “free” and wonder what the difference is?

(Sorry if this is annoyingly pedantic!)

How is Iota pronounced?

I’ve had good results in the Stoicheia system pronouncing that like “free” and wonder what the difference is?

(Sorry if this is annoyingly pedantic!)[/quote]

Dont worry Lady Eva its not annoying. Iota is pronounced Yota (Just like Master Yoda ) but instead of D you put T so its Yiota or Yota

Rezzing the dead like a Necromancer.

In Koine Greek, which is an ancient form of the language which has since become obsolete, but is the only form of Greek that I know:

Eta is pronounced [ay-tah], the letter eta, ‘η’, makes an ay sound like baby.

Omicron is pronounced [aw-mih-crawn], the letter omicron, ‘ο’, makes an aw sound like soft.

Omega is pronounced [oh-may-gah], the letter omega, ‘ω’, makes a oh sound like in old.

Upsilon is pronounced [oops-ih-lawn], the letter upsilon, ‘υ’, makes an oo sound like universe.

And iota is pronounced [aye-oh-tah], the letter iota, ‘ι’, makes an aye sound like ice.

[quote=“ashtkerr, post:29, topic:7558”]Rezzing the dead like a Necromancer.

In Koine Greek, which is an ancient form of the language which has since become obsolete, but is the only form of Greek that I know:

Eta is pronounced [ay-tah], the letter eta, ‘η’, makes an ay sound like baby.

Omicron is pronounced [aw-mih-crawn], the letter omicron, ‘ο’, makes an aw sound like soft.

Omega is pronounced [oh-may-gah], the letter omega, ‘ω’, makes a oh sound like in old.

Upsilon is pronounced [oops-ih-lawn], the letter upsilon, ‘υ’, makes an oo sound like universe.

And iota is pronounced [aye-oh-tah], the letter iota, ‘ι’, makes an aye sound like ice.[/quote]

Unless your from south ga then ice…is a long i sound eye…iiiiccceee… Cuz we have to drag everything out :wink:

…Ice is normally a long i, like eye, yes. Eye would also be another correct pronunciation of the letter iota.

[quote=“ashtkerr, post:29, topic:7558”]Rezzing the dead like a Necromancer.

In Koine Greek, which is an ancient form of the language which has since become obsolete, but is the only form of Greek that I know:

Eta is pronounced [ay-tah], the letter eta, ‘η’, makes an ay sound like baby.

Omicron is pronounced [aw-mih-crawn], the letter omicron, ‘ο’, makes an aw sound like soft.

Omega is pronounced [oh-may-gah], the letter omega, ‘ω’, makes a oh sound like in old.

Upsilon is pronounced [oops-ih-lawn], the letter upsilon, ‘υ’, makes an oo sound like universe.

And iota is pronounced [aye-oh-tah], the letter iota, ‘ι’, makes an aye sound like ice.[/quote]

I agree with everything except for Upsilon (Υ,υ). The U is pronounced like the e in ear. So. it would be more like eps-ih-lawn.

Again, I’m certain that such a pronunciation might be correct for modern Greek, but I know Koine Greek, which is now extinct, and a lot of the pronunciation would likely be very different.

I’m not sure if I’m on the same page but in the Stoicheia system as given in the OP, you pronounce a single vowel sound, not the name of the word, so if (to revert to English) the letter was “W” (named double-u, plural double-ues - “Dubble-yew”) the Stoichiea wouldn’t start with a “D” sound - it would be a “W” like in the words word, warfare, wallop and so on. :slight_smile:

Now, this is a bad example insofar as “W” isn’t a vowel - anyway from my Stoicheia experience only (which has been massive, and awesome) just wanted to make sure I addressed that.

As you were, cunning linguists! :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m actually really intrigued by your post ashtkerr, because I had ancient greek as a class in highschool and I honestly never heard of that particular pronunciation. Koine means common in both ancient and modern greek and from what I know, it was the primary dialect used by the commoners during the Hellenistic period, the Roman period as well as the early christian period. I am not sure ofcourse, but I assume that it cant be very different from what they teach at schools, since it was propably the most common dialect and that is why I am so surprised that I have never heard of that pronunciation.

You might be right ofcourse and I’m fooling myself here. I’ll have to do more research now, I’m very curious to find out.