Member's Successes & Thanking Spirits - Do It Here!

Thank you Azazel for being in my life and for letting me be my true self not holding back and practicing the left hand path/dark Magick.


Thanks Belial, Azazel, and Lucifer for being with me even through my exhausting “doubt spirals”.

My mind does get awfully conflicted and confused and myopic and stuck on petty doubts and… bleh. :expressionless:

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Thank you lord lucifer ,lord marbas for healing thank you thank you Lucifage


Just showing my gratitude to Raphael for healing my sore eye I had yesterday. Damn soap got in my eye and I was annoyed as fuck.


Thank you Lilith for your presence and the patience and love that you’ve shown me, even at times when I don’t deserve it. Thank you for everything.


I have only recently begun working with Belial, but my energy throughout the day has improved significantly, my motivation to be productive has also improved.
Also, today was one of the best days I’ve had in a long time. We signed papers to move into this gorgeous apartment and get out of our trash heap, and since my roommate’s girlfriend moved in with us, it’s costing less money per month to cover all of the household bills, and then I get a phone call from my boss, who pulled some strings and got me a FAT raise. While that sort of thing was already in the works, I’m certain I can attribute at least a portion of all of these great things to Belial and his excellent work. Hail Belial!


I’m glad it worked out for you :slight_smile:

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Thank you, @OnionKnight! These past few weeks have been extremely stressful. I can’t believe at any point I didn’t just lose my mind! Grateful every day for what I have and what I’ve been able to accomplish!


I totally understand what you mean! Keep up the good work :slight_smile: dont overdo yourself.
I see you wearing a cape of diamond feathers in my mind just saying your name.
Your power is getting stronger :slight_smile:


Once they’ve sprouted, nobody can clip these wings, my friend :wink:
Thank you for all the love!


Thank you King Belial for everything you’ve done.


Buer, you absolute hero. I usually spend two days in agony with menstrual cramps, but after being woken with them at 4:44 this morning I called on you with no sigil or preparation and managed to fall back asleep. I’ve woken up a few hours later almost pain free. Thanks also to Vine who has made such quick and dirty contact possible. :black_heart::black_heart::black_heart:


Thank you Sallos :).
I am so grateful for your work.
I asked him to help a friend of mine.
Her marriage was going to end…they were so full of hate for each other and they both hurt each other for months.
I asked him to fix their relationship and make him thankful for his life.
What should I say?
Sallos needed less then 3 days to fix everything.
Sallos you are the best.


As I have not done this for some time and my experience was quite possibly due to a complete lack of graciousness and gratitude for the gifts I’d received or for the gifts bestowed on friends and loved ones.

Duke Dantalion - thank you for your considered audience yesterday and the gift of the ritual and information. I fully understand now that this is a process not a quick fix or one night stand - and no I am not asking for someone to simply have sex with and then abandon. I fully understand the implications and gravity of his position, mine and those around me and how this would play out in their lives. I thank you for showing me that it will take time in doing this it will build a solid foundation.

President Marbas - thank you for your continued help and assistance with my health and that of my friend.

Lord Rosier - although I am long overdue with a connection I appreciate your work and offer gratitude to you.

I wish to work with others but feel at this point somewhat unworthy of your attentions and ministrations although I truly crave your assistance - I don’t know why I am so reticent and reluctant in my desires and simply put others before me, wilfully sacrificing my own joy and creativity for that of chores and busy work.

I question why I am punishing myself for others’ behaviour, actions and mistakes - asking why I could not have stopped these issues, a life learnt through “if onlys” and regrets - allowing others to receive compliments and accolades for work I’d prepared and receiving no credit or mention honourable or otherwise, my name wiped from history. Perhaps that is my fate, reward or punishment for being myself, for being too much, for not fitting in, for always choosing exactly the wrong option despite actively trying to choose the wrong then right test.

In any case I thank you all for making me realise what I am and how I must change.


I need to thank Sallos again.
It is hard to find friends in university and I felt so lonely.
This is why I asked Sallos to help me finding friends and some people to talk to.
What should I say?
He did it :heart::heart::heart::heart::heart:!!!
Exactly how I asked him to do .
He is so awesome.
I just love him.


Thank you my" Lord Lucifer" for helping me with my salary situation.You are my everything.Hail my lord Lucifer.


Thank you Great Duke Sallos - my dear brother for helping me with my love situation though its still a wip.Hail great duke sallos"



I thank all the spirits of artists I admire for helping motivate and inspire my ambitions as an artist. :woman_artist:

I give thanks to Van Gogh, Jeff Bridges, Angela Cartwright and last but not least Bill Mumy. Thank you for being who you are that inspires me to be the best Me.

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Goddess Astaroth… My queen! Thank you for all your help, support and wonderful presence. I will be always thankful and grateful to you.


I looked at Belial’s sigil calling his name, and after a short while I felt his power, then I asked questions. The next day (I believe) I also contacted Azazel, I thank them; I resumed not dismissing entities, having read this suggestion here too :slight_smile:


Is that an enn you chant? Translation? Thanks

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