Ok thanks. Just that there is a ritual in that book with Ophiel and I found it quite effective.
Hi bro…what entity is Yog-Sothoth ???
It’s one of the entities from the Lovecraftian mythos.
entity from the Lovecraft mythos - Y-S is outer god
Would you recommend for newbies ???
are you asking me @WAL ?
if yes, so yes anyone can work with him, just ask him and be patient, he will deliver
if you did read my older posts (which i wrote earlier above about Y-S )
so for example the experience with girl ( she ´s maybe 28yrs old ) so results i got next day, so maybe for ~ 24 hours -
it made me 1x calling, and during next day while i was calling and was asking him again, so i heard ,she is unfaithful ,
when i asked him for astral traveling so i was sleep paralysed for ~52 hours -
it made me 3x calling and asking him at all (1x - 48minutes-- for threedays everynight)
And just one note : if you will work with Yog - Sothoth ( or any other spirit ) be careful for what you ask
if you ask for spiritual things - so people smile at you, friendly behavior to you , even funny moments will come to your life,
but if you ask for negative things - so get ready that people will glower at you, they will be enemy like to you, you to hit / crash to other people by (ancident),
Thank you, Marquis Amon for accepting my request. I asked him for reconciliation with my ex and after a week I got a message from her although we were on cold ice for like 2 months. We aren’t back together yet but she said we could reach that point eventually. I see this as a huge success as we were throwing heavy stuff at each other before our breakup. Funnily enough after the petition I had 2 symbolic dreams of a couple saying I love you to each other. Anyways, thank you, Marquis Amon, for helping me out. I’m already glad we’re talking again.
thank you Shub - Niggurath for heal my tooth which got crack and broke, so it was grinding my tongue that it caused pain during talking, eating, drinking or even swallowing saliva
Also forgot to ask - did you promise an offering for fulfilling your request? Thanks.
I offered gratitude in the form of public acknowledgment, which I have done right on this thread.
Thanks for sharing. I’m going to try your method. There’s someone I’d like to reestablish contact with.
Thank you Sitri for making my target leave and stay away quickly
Thankyou so much King Paimon , without your help I couldn’t have achieved todays achievement.
We have alot more to achieve and I know its just a beginning, I am really excited thinking about the future.
Hail King Paimon
i feel you
A huge gratitude for Mother Hecate for helping me neutralise a break up spell that was casted on me & to Goddess of Love, Astarte for helping me to fix my relationship. I saw vivid dreams and I saw results the very next day!!
Thank you both
Thank you Bael. You power is astounding🖤
Many thanks to the Demons Agares, Eligos and Barbatos, and the Demon Curse Magick book for helping me take down an enemy with the ‘Career Collapse’ ritual.
Took a couple of months to work and the target has had significant misfortune occurring at work and her plans collapsed.
Thank you Belial and Moloch for continuing to give me opportunities and bless me randomly with no explanation I can’t count how many things should have went wrong but didn’t and miraculously came through!!!