who you only him him
i really do support the opportunity the gods are given you they work in ways we don’t believe all hail belial LIRACH TASA VEFA WEHLC BELIA
A big thank you to king Paimon for quickly repairing a fault in the heating system and giving me hot water and a functioning heating system again!!! It’s minus degrees here at the moment and I really appreciate this help
Paimon can do that? oh thanks for the tip ^^ might as well ask Paimon
Thank you, Lucifer! and Ybarion, and Elubatel for helping me sell some of my old things.
Thank you Lord Ipos for helping me become more persuasive and reach an important business deal! Hail Ipos!
don’t forget to call him king / lh
thank you dantalion and king paimon for helping me focus on my private lessons <3
Thank you Gremory for shifting time and space. It is a wonderful gift to have you in my life.
Hail to the mighty King Clauneck for enduring generosity. Gratitude to King Belial for having my back.
About 2 years ago I was trying to address some of the learning hardships that I had because they were so bad I couldn’t accomplish the things I wanted to do. I was completely stuck no matter how hard I tried. So I had a consultation with a company that helps people of all ages with that sort of thing. My parents had even offered to help pay for it. But, when the consultation came and they told me how much it cost and all the things some of the poorer people had to do to pay for the service, I couldn’t. It felt predatorial.
Azazel popped up at this moment and he started questioning me and the one thing I do remember was him asking is if I didn’t do this what was I going to do. And I was so pissed off I just said, “I guess I’ll just have to fucking suffer!” Lol. In the past I would have been a pushover and give in but now I was sticking my ground.
He stops and looks at me and then says, “Ok, I’ll help you.” And that was it.
This week I suddenly realized I’m not struggling with learning anymore. Like I can pick up a book and learn. It wasn’t an overnight thing. There were many things and spirits as well that came along and shifted things with my health and my mindset.
So thank you, Azazel! I know that was years ago but never forgot that conversation. It was that day the winds began to shift in my favor.
I would like to thank Och, President Buer, Marbas and Sabnock for curing a friend’s severe herniated disc.
Thank you Archangel Michael for showing me today that I don’t have to doubt your presence nor help for me by confirming your presence multiple times today and thank you for helping me to feel better today, thank you for your protection too
hi the friend have you meet or talk to azazel after self initiation
Yes I have. He’s one of the spirits who’s been part of my practice for years. @rehoboth_night_watch
-when i first start this practice back in 2016 after joining the BLG i started with azazel he is a very good demon to work i want to do a self initiation with paimon its a fucken scary shit of self initation as i reads books its where a demon appear to the pratictioner is it really scary iam prepared of anything iam thinking of renting a opent room to sit up my alter there with a big pentagram on the floor…iam staying with 6 kids and my girlfriend …worse part is sometime if he comes into the there is also a bad smell like a dead horse or dag and the kids and thier mother ask each other do smell that bad smell like a riooten meat then i answer yes i get it …
Thank you Bael. Your constant help has brought peace and security to me for years. I am grateful beyond words.
I began dating a guy and we briefly got together. Unfortunately, he quickly lost interest after coming to realize we had “nothing in common” & his schedule was too busy, so it wasn’t gonna work out. He ended things rather meanly and wasn’t interested in giving it more time. After that, I called upon Orias to change his mind. He returned 1 week later apologizing for his rash behavior and pleading for another chance with me. We got back together recently and communication has never been better. Turns out we do gel - just needed a while to find common ground.
My appreciation to this being is enormous! Duchess Gremory! She comes when I call, and she responds to my much needed petition in such maner that all looks natural and smooth.
An Tasa Shi Gremory On Ca
Looking forward to continue and improve my work with you this year!
Gremory is amazing!