Meds blocking spirits and magick

I am taking Celexa for depression and I think it’s physically blocking me from seeing spirits I can feel demonic energy when I call upon one but can’t see them. I think the meds might be fucking me up spirituality. what do you guys think?
I can feel the energy of demons and can sense them but besides a mental picture that comes to me in my head I can’t see a full demon spirit anything from like the conjuring movies etc haven’t seen any shit like that.


I was on amitriptyline for about a month and a half and that shit really fucked me up. They were giving it to me for sleep and I was no longer able to discern when I was in a dream or not, and lost all lucidity. Communicating with spiritual beings became pretty difficult as well. It also messed up my whole energy just in general.
So yea I believe you 100% that your meds are messing up your spirituality.
(For the record amitriptyline is also an antidepressant)


thanks I had a sense they were :pill::gun:

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Well consider your senses validated.


I think certain things have particular chemicals that kind of stunt growth so to speak (spiritual growth). So it’s not impossible. For example when I clean my altar I don’t use any cleaners I just use water, sage and a cleaning rag.


Unless you have extremely developed astral senses, you’re not going to see anything with your physical eyes like it’s portrayed in the The Conjuring franchise.

That mental picture you describe is how most start out. So, I don’t think that your medication is blocking you on this particular issue.


I didn’t even see that part.

But yes, that’s also true.


I have this problem yeab

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I don’t know, man. While on one hand I have to say one should not disregard professional medical advice on a whim, and I AM NOT advocating the cessation of professionally prescribed medication (official disclaimer), I do have to say that psyche meds are practically designed to suppress spiritual aptitude.


I had a psychosis last year and was taking 10 different meds then I reduced to 3. I had depression, paranoia, social anxiety,… I feel now that meds were useless because the only thing that worked was me to stop them all and work internaly by myself on the problem.

They really fucks your habilities, forget clairvoyance with that. Maybe you will develop them under medecine but it’s going to be more hard and taking medecine is honestly a chemical prison.

Keep just in mind that they’re not solving the problem, they really just put them a little bit down for hours / days then you feel the same again without it.

Choose what is best for you but honestly I think alternative medecine is way more better.


Hey @LucifugeAzazel,

I can imagine they can block. I posted about my drug use during weekends and that fucked me up too.
But please be careful stopping meds. If you have problems with depression it could get worse by not taking them. A friend doesn’t take his medicine and he’s really fucked up without.

On the other hand if those meds bring you rest and ease they could even help with TGS. And like @Freaya mentioned you don’t have to be a doctor to know when to much is to much.

Take care!


I took Prozac a few month back while I was suicidal and it seemed to help a lot but once I started having cold sweats, lots of nightmares and stuff I HAD to get off. I see most medication and bandages a quick fix for a boo boo but not a solution to falling on the ground.