Meditation & Ritual Area question

Hi all,

So I have an area where I typically meditate(consist of incense and crystals) in my home and I’m currently making a ritual area. Was wondering if its a smart idea to combine the two? Any thoughts? Thanks!


Do you have the luxury of different spaces in which to work? Can you afford to set up in different rooms? Do you have inquisitive guests who might not understand your lifestyle and so you’d need to clear up two rooms in the event of visits.

I work in one and outside.

I do have two spaces that I can use that are hidden (one is a pretty decent sized closet and the other is laundry room not in use). As of now I’m pretty sure I’d be able to afford to set up in both rooms and yeah, I need the spaces hidden since there are people who might not understand this lifestyle yet.
Is it generally better to keep both spaces seperate?

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So you work in one area as well as outside?

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Personally its down to availability and getting interrupted so I do work when I get an opportunity when I am not being talked at (like at the moment). I’m responding to you whilst cooking that should say something.

If it’s baneful, I tend to do it outside as I don’t want that kind of energy inside - if it’s loving I try to do it inside and at night.

Some suggest that it’s best to have one area as energies attract there but in practise you have to work with what is available and indeed what you are doing. If casting a circle, remember that the floor cloth might be a certain size. Also you don’t want neighbours staring in through open windows - happened to me.

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Mind you if it’s a nice day I’ll do it outside as well, but then various preps and meditations.

lol yeah I have a large window looking into my place so I’ll keep that in mind. I think I’ll combine the two and I’m pretty sure I won’t be looking into baneful magick unit later down the road. Thanks for the advice and tips and taking the time to repsond while cooking. Enjoy the meal :):grin:

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Yes it is a good idea. there is a whole supplemental magick discipline known as geomancy based on the concept of using crystals stones and metals in combination with ritual. It consists of a divination system and a energy direction and conversion system using Ley line grids and gsometry. This can be used to effect change with intent or to better communicate with spirits.


Thats cool, I’ve heard of geomancy but never looked into it. I’ll do some research!

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You can mix the two but be careful to have a designated area to do baneful magic if you choose to do so. You don’t want that energy interrupting other works


I’ve never had any problems with this. My meditation space is also my indoor ritual space. The two activities reinforce each other energetically (in my experience).

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That is a key one - you really don’t want those energies around you. Oh and if you aren’t doing this already make sure you do a banishing before work of any description. Additionally some of the ingredients of rituals can be quite nasty so you don’t want them around you.

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