Maybe a silly question but what exactly is a soul

I know you may tell me to use the search function and I have but it’s interesting how many different ideas there are of this. If it even is “definable” by magic terms I think it would be excellent to discuss it here if you’d like.

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Not really use the search function but more or so your question can only be answered by opinions, it’s not really a silly question.

In my opinion the soul is a small spark of divinity (what makes it a soul, not the whole wannabe gods shtick) and energy (from past lives, true self, experiences, emotions, etc) but also an energy that is unique to the individual in terms of their own fingerprint, like some people may share similar elemental energies in their soul but it is unique to the individual.


Indeed, my experiences fall somewhere along those lines. From them it seems that it may be an emergence of certain facets of chaos, divinity, and much more that we are conscious and unique in ways much deeper than what we previously think. Which comes from some subtle grey area of what makes us tick.

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For me, the soul constitutes that eternal part of us that distinguishes one individual from another; The consciousness that the mind derives from, which I find problems with separating. I once heard it referred to as the flame on a candle that passes from body to body as another candle is lit. The candle carrying the flame much like a body carries a soul. From Darkness to Light, sparks that ignite.



In my theory we are all the universe with consciousness manifested through different shapes and egos. These different manifestations is known as samsara or reincarnation as we call it here in the West.


Souls are literally verified by science however science will not admit it because they can never admit anything spiritual they are against that but it’s an absolute fact when you die your body gets lighter we already know that there’s electrochemical reactions in the brain that energy ceases when you’re dead that is literally your soul and it is your mind it’s the life force energy in your body that leaves when you die but energy can never be destroyed and neither can you but it’s very possible to be reincarnated and forget who you are

I often ask myself that if I have a soul, how can I ever be certain that it isn’t yet another illusion? I suppose it all depends on the nature of base reality, and whether or not we exist outside of this dream as anything other than thoughtforms…

…Or data, perhaps. If we’re nothing more than data on a great machine, are our souls not just data too? I would sacrifice everything to be able to see and experience base reality, even just for a single moment, so that my mind can finally be at peace knowing these things.

Can we ever truly know what a soul is if base reality remains perpetually obscured by further and further illusions?

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Interesting. Here’s an analogy I heard about the consciousness problem. So basically it’s simple like eating chocolate and you feel it and taste it as that sensation. And if you see orange you SEE it as a sensation. The point is that you don’t get chemical information or wavelength information consciously gathered in your brain. There’s an undefinable transition between information and sensation known in quantum physics as the Qualia and This is thought to be where consciousness lies. I don’t know if it’s an illusion or not or what even defines as one. But I guess the point is it exists and the very reason Nihilism says that nothing matters is the reason why it does. the fleeting and weird nature of perception and meaning IS meaning itself. Reality doesn’t care or have reason for us but that’s ok and very fascinating

In my opinion the soul is the part of us that’s conscious of us being us and existing, the part that projects in projections, the part that reincarnated in reincarnation or that goes to a self created hell or heaven (not to a vengeful deity created afterlife unless that concept floats your boat) or the part that’s going to evolve to and go to another dimension when finished evolving in this one.

It’s whatever it is that is aware of us being us and since all matter is energy it’s some kind of energy and since energy cannot be created or destroyed according to science it’s an eternal part of us. That’s my opinion on what the soul is.

As an aside, if there really is a vengeful deity somewhere plotting to stick me somewhere unpleasant like a lake of fire as per Christian surmising I’d fight him her or it tooth and nail against going to such a place and try to overthrow imprison or destroy his ass.

unless of course it were a heaven to be rid of the f**k*r somewhere he wasn’t in charge off then I’d willing go to be rid of such an a-hole from my existence.

To paraphrase in a more condensed readers digest version of my opinion: the soul is whatever is conscious of us being us and it’s eternal because it’s energy (because everything is energy when it comes down to it).

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I stopped viewing consciousness as a construct of the brain when I discovered I could leave my physical body behind and still observe, think, and exist outside the flesh in almost exactly the same way I do inside of it. But that only serves to deepen my feeling that I’m part of a computer, observing itself from within.

The worlds I discovered beyond the veil of the physical seemed to be, much like the physical, more layers within the illusion. My nihilism died when I acknowledged that every action, word, dream, and experience has meaning to someone or something at some level. Magick itself is dependant on an existence full of meaning.

I just can’t help but to ask the higher powers to show me more, because even when I think I’ve seen it all, life always seems to hit me with new surprises and deeper revelations. My curiousity knows no bounds.


The true death of and rebirth nihilism: realizing since energy can’t be destroyed everything will continue to exist in some manner until it all just becomes reruns of what went before.

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Do you mean like since the root of everything that exists is eternal, And because of that it’s like a big loop? Or not quite so litterally but rather how the endless grind of the cosmic engine makes us realize how small we are.

Nah more like eventually every new possibility will have already been said done or experienced and the eternal will have to repeat what’s already been done because everything will have already been done before already.

Who knows maybe we’re already on the 27th replay of this life this forum and everything almost makes me want to laugh at the very thought of us all having done everything together on this forum 26 times before this this now the 27th time everything was said and done before (if that is/was the case).

Or Like if you could count to infinity you’d run out of alternatives to using the word infinity as a number and end up counting 1 infinity 2 infinity etc (from a linguistic standpoint that is).

Eventually everything will get to a point of repetition if it’s all eternal.


I know. Philosophizing too deeply. Coming up for air now.

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Perhaps it may all repeat but to what end? I say time, the mind manifest thus we can only really comprehend as much as the mind can make sense of. For us to know every single possibility may contain knowledge not worth knowing, in the sense that it applys in no comprehensable manner to this universe. Who or what we believe ourselves to be is an echo of the true self, that which is beyond any quantifiable understanding however as previously mentioned in the comments we may still get a sense of it because the mind comprehends the sense of self but just as you may taste an orange you will not see it with your physical eyes simultaneously, this is where the after effect comes in but I won’t get into that. So, coming back to the soul, it really is as illusive yet as tangible as smoke. It may repeat itself but in doing so something will always be different from the seismic shift of an atom to the dying breath that gave life to a flower. I could tell myself exist and interpret it as statement, question and command but each time I tell myself “exist.?!” the notion becomes furthermore foreign. If you repeat the word shoe enough times then you’ll end up looking at something entirely alien yet something you know you know, it becomes a known unknown even though its a known known. If will you can imagine it like fractals, you keep sinking into the same formula but there will always be something you won’t experience, colours of which you could never know and so on. To acknowledge knowledge as Knowledge’s knowledge lets Knowledge know the knowers knowing of knowledge as Knowledge’s knowledge. Know thyself to the kingdom of God. :cyclone: :zap:

@anon48079295 said it right