Maulbeere's Ramblings and Shiny Things

I think I’ve found something to meditate on, that seems extra appropriate for our times.

The Irminsul as a symbol conveys a legacy of hope, improvement, wisdom, knowledge and memory. It is a symbol to remind us of our most beloved ancestors and a history of subversion. Additionally, the Irminsul helps us to remember our condition of war against our adversaries and our battle to enhance our people and our individual selves in the face of outside forces focused on decimating, downsizing and defiling our sacred spirits and fundamental holy natures.

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Ok I gotta read that. As an aside pre read the image made a few comparisons come to
Mind about its looks. Moustache on a stick, hammer, oil well pumps and Thor. So… now it’s reading time.

Add: interesting reading pity it wasn’t an in depth article. @Mulberry So does this mean you bought one of the jewelry things based on it?

Merry Christmas!

And a shiny on the relationship between Baphomet aka the Goat of Mendes, and the Eye of Providence… and the Owl or Sophia. Also the Yule Goat and Krampus.


Free EBook Barbelo by Riann Booysen, very interesting research and suppressed information on what early writings actually say about the life and activities of the criminal Jesus Christ

:thinking: Link:

So what will you find in Barbelo? Apart from presenting probably one of the most complete collections of unflattering if not downright blasphemous texts from the first centuries after Christ, I will also show that there was absolutely no divine interaction in his life, from his miracles to the so-called ‘prophecy’ in Revelation about the ‘number of the beast’. Everything has a down-to-earth, very human explanation.

In Barbelo several persons relatively unknown in Christian literature are identified, including Joseph Barsabbas of the Flat Feet, Mary, Martha and Lazarus, the children of Simon ben Boethus, Zebedee and Pandira. It is often stated that the Bible tells us nothing about the physical appearance of Christ, but the early Church Fathers had a lot to say about it, and none of it flattering. And then, of course, there are the accusations of violence perpetrated by Christ and his disciples – hence the title of the book, ‘Barbelo’.

Barbelo is a Greek word referring to the “First emanation of God”. Which in Gnosticism is actually female.

I rather disagree with the authors opinion on miracles being sleight of hand, in which he directs from the texts and launches into a layman aetheistic diatrate that treats “Physics” like the be all and all has all the answers religion it is very much not.

And I say that as someone with a degree in Physics… he has misunderstood what the field of Physics is and does, it provides predictive models to understand repeatable observable phenomena and predict outcome. The measure of whether a model is successful is whether the predictions turn out to be correct. They very often are not… enter miracles, Sidhis and magick.

Mainstream Physics completely fails to provide models to explain these, but it simply doesn’t follow logically that they don’t exist. There’s a lot of things Physics can’t explain, and isn’t designed to… Yet… It’s silly to assume that it can or should explain everything. Babies think people stop existing when you cover your eyes, adults find a better explanation.

Research including work done Bob Beck in Psychotronics (curently a topic of research for me), by the military, extensively by the Chinese and Ingo Swann, prove psychic ability, including what Ingo Swann called Superpowers show these skills exist in repeatable experiments and go some way into formalising and explaining why.

It has everything to to with humans being electromagnetic beings in an electromagnetic universe,and is not miraculous, but our birthright, available to all with practice.


Shiny reference…

Adapted from a tape recording of a 35mm slide presentation by Bob Beck
at The 1978 U.S. Psychotronic Association Conference in Atlanta, Georgia.

Easter Egg: contains mention of 7.8Hz (not 8Hz apparently) as the frequency that gets you into trance state and increases psychic ability. (In part II, that magick, occult number… it’s 7.8)

Huh. I think this is way above my ability to prepare for right now. I’ll leave it as a guide and something to keep in mind but not only does this terrify me (not useful at all to be terrified) it’s something that I can’t really understand at this point. Thank you for posting about it though.

Regarding the earlier posts you made about not wanting friends and being a jerk. I agree but that’s also why I value your opinion. You are true and don’t skulk around behind a facade so that means I can trust you. I think of you as someone worthy of my time so to me that means I see you as a potential friend. I think there’s something to be said for the communal nature of us humans. We exist as a community and I don’t see that as a weakness. I think having friends is a positive thing. I understand from reading this that you have led a very different life than I have so I’m not saying you are wrong or anything like that. Just giving my opinion.

You have always called me on my bullshit and I really respect and value that.

I guess I’ll leave off with this. You seem to have gone through great darkness and have come out all the stronger for it. I think that’s really badass and it makes me proud to be a human alongside you.


Shiny thing. The sun (our sun) looks to have large solar flare events more regularly than thought, but =the frequency, if not the intensity, declines with star age.

(This is another one of the types of Ragnarok, I believe, which are history recording these extinction events… the one where “there is fire from horizon to horizon”, which is the sun doing it’s thing.There’s still the 27k year regular micronova event as well.)

Meanwhile the weakening magnetic field continues to allow an increase in geomagnetic activity like earthquakes, and the predictable path into the next ice age is underway with new record low temps.


Elon Musk’s SpaceX says a geomagnetic storm wiped out 40 of the 49 Starlink satellites it launched into orbit last week

I was wondering when that was going to happen. Does he NOT follow Suspicious0bsevers!?
What part of “galactic current sheet” is unclear?


Well, not really. CME impact watch today: What you don’t know can wipe out your way of life forever.


So I heard clairvoyantly, someone say “deaf pig!” at me as I was falling asleep last night.

How rude.

Seems to have been Amducias, who I’ve never particularly worked with outside of “evoke them all” pathworkings, who wants to point out he’s got skills.

For me, dominating in areas of my life I’m a tad bored of is already helping, and for others, apparently he wants to get a mention every time someone asks for an entity that can help with getting ahead in the music scene.

Well, ok, thanks for persevering and getting through my veil. That’s actually awesome. :smiley:


“deaf pig”? :sob:


Shiny… Shiva in Hindu myth, equates to Enki in Mesopotamian legends?

There’s 3 kinds of “gods”, deified people (egregores), idols for natural forces (egregores), and ascended beings. I think I don’t believe in any “gods” at all any more. Not that that means you can’t talk to them, or get work done through them, but they’re not “gods”. There’s maybe… no such level of existence that sits on a pedestal that high, except in the creative human imagination.


Very funny. :smiley: I’ve never been drawn to Crowley or Thelema, but this tempts me to at least read the book of Lies. He seems to have ripped off every order he ever joined and aggregators do save you time.


Follow up: I realised there’s a very nice chart shared in one of Michael Raduga’s video classes on astral travel/lucid dreaming/tgs/journeying.

He described the “direct” method of getting into a journey, that state between waking and sleeping, which is simply when you do this before sleeping at night.
He calls it “the Phase”.


You can see it, you get deeper and deeper into trance, the trick is to stay in the Phase and not fall further into full sleep. Preferably sitting up in circle :smiley:


Well well, someone agrees with me about how worthless and narcissistic yahweh is as one of the aliens that then turned around and demanded to be speshul. In different words, and a xtian explanation with bible references like I can’t be bothered with.

From this channel.

Yaweh is not defined in the bible, he’s not the father, he’s not the son, he’s not the holy ghost. He never says he has a son or a father.


Jesus’ “Father” was never Yahweh. Further in one place in the bible, the first of two translations say The adversary incided Daniel, and next it was Yahweh, and there’s a few example of this… Yahweh IS Satan.

“Yahweh didn’t come to bring a religious system, he came to free us from religious systems”, it was later the catholics used it to install a religious system.

This is in line with Rudolph Steiner’s proposal that Satan is the Luciferic energies that represent extreme freedom. As opposed not to man, but to the Ahrimanic forces that represent extreme control.

Body, Mind/Soul, Spirit in trinity, not duality… Ahriman/devil, Human, Luciferian/Satan. :thinking:

So, I think yahweh as “god” is a later corruption, probably dating from the time of Constantine when he chucked out 42 book and rewrote the rest to suit his politics, and remove the trinity to preach the dogma of duality.

This is an idea I’m “trying on for size”. It fits so far.


Hmm, interesting model of reality based on the idea that reality (the “Matterium”) is being recreated infinitesimally different very fast, the relation of this to martial arts and how Bruce Lee as an example of someone who has mastered this could use it using his mind placed in his temporal body.

We’ve heard this before in occult circles as one of the the reasons mages can recreate a reality more to their liking, affecting the recreations.

In this model, the definition of "void’ is the teensy space in between the recreations. I still don’t think that is an appropriate use of the word void, as there is always consciousness, which I think is what I call the Tao.

Map of the Matterium with Source/Tao/Divine Consciousness at the bottom, going up in timescale up the the map with the related bands of states of consciousness/being.


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Shiny, all the occult symbolism that is mathematics, the Nine, 3, 7, 9, triangles and the alchemical symbols of Earth etc., and I see Lucifer’s sigil in here:

Also I want that tee shirt :smiley:


Wonderful bit of history, understanding of the origins of terms we use today, including how the Jews translated disease/pagan gods and fae all as ‘daimon’ which is why xtians today still use “demon” to mean just about anything.

Goes into the Norse Hel and it’s association with snakes, Valhal as possibly a region in Hel, why draugr means ghost, and other other afterlife worldviews.


Oh interesting, so the Chinese also have it in their mythology, which is one of the oldest known, that a serpent being created two races, a more perfect race and humanity.

This site tells the story in a satirical way but I think it’s honest.

The “reptilians created humans as slave GMO primates” theory is supported again. I’m a tad fed up about this. It’s so… plebian.


Interesting and corroborates common sense and what I’ve read in other books, even by therapists dealing with issues caused by ghosts getting attached to people in the hospital.

Includes babies getting attached earthbound spirits that affects their whole lives.

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Shiny. I just stumbled on the work of Dr Jacobo Grinberg experimenting with telekinesis and telepathy, who got close, though he and his family went missing. He wrote about 50 books that I’ll have to check out.

Documentary (in Spanish, have to use auto subtitles for other languages)