Masturbation: Do you think it hurts ones Magickal results?

Feel free to answer the poll and post your opinions, as i am curious to what people think

  • Regular Masturbation negatively affects ones results
  • Regular Masturbation has no serious negative effects on results

0 voters

I’ve been reading up on peoples past opinions on this, and ive seen it pop up more often these days…the opinion that masturbation kills ones magick. Now, im not super convinced by this yet…as the arguments ive seen as to why it does, don’t seem that strong to me. One argument i see often is, “well…many of the old grimoires said one must abstain before attempting these rituals”…but my counter-argument to that would be that these old grimoires tell us that we must do A LOT of other things that we now largely know are unnecessary requirements for success…like, you need to have this special dagger, or a circle that is X meters in diameter, or this special tunic etc etc…so holding what these grimoires say in such high regard seems a bit silly to me. The other argument i hear is, “Well, i stopped masturbating and my power level increased by 5000!” My counter to that would be…okay, what about Crowley? One of the biggest sex-fiends and endulgers of lust ive ever read about, and his magick seemed to still work out fine. Personally, i see nothing wrong with masturbation. The same evolutionary processes that developed our brains which we use to engage in magick, also developed our sex drives and sexual release valves. Too many old texts and grimoires are influenced by Abrahamic faiths for me to really trust what they say on these matters.

To me, a lot of this anti-masturbation stuff nowadays seems to stem from Christian influences on sex and pleasure, influences which seem to be on the rise again. I just have yet to be convinced that this whole NoFap thing is nothing more than people engaging in placebo experiments with themselves…and when it comes to magick, its rare that i come across any modern day adepts who say that if you regularly masturbate, your magickal results will suffer


If it did see magick wouldn’t exist lol atleast that’s how I see it. The idea of nofap helping you build spiritual energy through the accumulation of sexual energy is redundant to me. I have had no downfalls to my workings sex or no sex, masturbation or not. However, others could be different.


It’s the idea of cultivating sexual energy appropriately as an individual that helps assist with longevity and vitality. That takes more than just stopping masturbation but rather going through the measures to keep your sexual energy on guard at all times.

I’ve been on lustful binges and then have swayed back a celibate status. I think I’d take the celibate status by a long run — this long string of semen can be used with versatility. If you can retain your semen and practice the excercises properly, you can achieve the orgasm without ejaculation.

If porn and masturbation affect your life and the way you see things then I suggest abstaining as it does cause negative repercussions. If it doesn’t, you do you.

I did vote for no, it doesn’t have negative effects — because most of the time masturbation doesn’t. But what positive effects could you harness if you stopped?


It might have some effect, but its definitely nowhere near The dealbreaker some like To claim it is


I personally feel I’m sharper, able to focus more, after it’s been a few days. Also, I normally use the energy produced as an offering, so I prefer to save it for that. Makes for a bigger treat to whomever I’m offering it to


@Eibwen_glab @Whitehowlite

Well from what i see, its undeniable that sexual energy can be used to help produce great results when combined with ritual…thats what sex magick is all about after all. So i could understand that someone wanting to do sex magick may opt to retain that sexual energy and release it during ritual. That makes sense. My issue however is this belief that if you don’t retain it, your results in all forms of magick will be crippled. This is something that i really haven’t seen great arguments supporting…but i still see people who claim that this is the case. Hopefully, one or two of them drop in here to explain their position


It’s not exactly crippled beyond repair but if one goes completely overboard then yes there can be potential damage. Sperm literally enriches the inner world full of nutrients that once you start retaining, you’ll realise that after you climax you feel a plethora of negative symptoms which has this sedative-like effect to it, but there is a comedown from ejaculation. Blurry eyes, demotivation, irritability, guilt, shame, de-energized.

The sexual organs are a very explosive element. I am what the creator is. Bliss arises when the inner fire (tummo) blazes throughout the body,
There is bliss when the winds of Roma and Kyangma (the two channels) enter into the central channel (in the spine), There is bliss when the bodhichitta (pure sexual energy) descends from above…and the translucent tigle (Tibetan, literally “seminal point”; Sanskrit: bindu) pervades from below.

Keypoint; “descends from above”. :slight_smile:
Semen moves around


I masturbate at least 2 or 3 times a day. Personally I believe that masturbation can potentially enhance your work. The issue is we usually do it when we’re either bored or feeling down. I often feel a sense of defeat afterwards if I masturbate for those reasons.

I’ve learned that I can’t expect love or attraction spells to work if I don’t feel attractive. So if masturbation results in feeling defeated or low on confidence, it’ll do nothing if not sabotage your work.

So the problem isn’t masturbation. It’s how you feel and perceive yourself as you do it.


I’d say not masturbating can increase one’s results but maybe not that it hurts ones results to masturbate.

I think anyways.

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Plus not everybody is able to do it.
If you’re sexually unbalanced it can fuck you up pretty bad, believe me.


It depends on how it effects you personally. For instance refraining from masturbation and sex can build up a strong energetic tension in your body and lead to trance through states of desire quicker based on these physical needs that can then be used to channel that tension into a more powerful spell than it would otherwise be. Also if you let masturbation overly effect your mind or energy levels it can be detrimental but so long as you manage yourself properly in moderation there is no large negative impact unless something explicitly needs that sexual tension in order to function properly as might be the case with some transmutations of the energy body or such.

Most of the old techniques of denial and refrain were basically cheaty little shortcuts to induce powerful trance states and a sense of importance effectively psyching one up for the ritual to lend it more power and ease of use. It depends how you let it effect you and how the channel the energy involved in either satisfying or holding back the desire.


13 posts were merged into an existing topic: Does Use Of Pornography Harm One’s Magick?

The biggest problem with masturbation would indeed fall apron those whom make it a daily use as a result of boredom. If one is to centred on thier sexual chakra all of the others will have little energy. Sexual energy is the most potent I know of and if it can be directed into whatever may be of a person’s wanted outcome, then it would have not been wasted as it was used for a creation of means.

Edit: Can you spot my grammatical errors?


Regular masturbation affects muladhara chakra

I replied to the effect that NoFap is more about porn, which produced a lively discussion, that is slightly off-topic, so I’ve moved those posts to a new discussion: Does Use Of Pornography Harm One's Magick?


A post was merged into an existing topic: Does Use Of Pornography Harm One’s Magick?

You told me that masturbation was the reason why magick did not worked?

Root chakra? It’s sacral chakra that is the sex chakra.

If sexual fluids are strong in outward magical acts… so they are in the inner.

Dude…did you seriously bump a two year old thread just to give yourself permission to keep masturbating incessantly? I asked this question two years ago at the beginning of my research into the effects of masturbation on magick. Obviously, my opinion has evolved since then.

At this point Kristian, i kindly ask that you not bother me with this topic and your inability to do magick anymore, as I no longer care if you succeed or fail. Masturbate to your hearts content. @Lady_Eva can you lock this? There’s already a parallel thread going on this subject that’s more active than this one.

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