Manifesting against a person

I’ve been searching forum and haven’t found exactly the discussion I’m hoping for, but suggestions/links always welcome!
I’ve been reading and starting to practice more with LOA. Been reading a lot of Neville Goddard (was introduced through a thread on BALG), and a lot is resonating with me. In my reading and exploration on other forums, I’m finding most advise to try to be positive and work towards creating good in the world and good will flow to you. I don’t disagree! Those are great goals and I think it’s a nice way to go through life. However, there seems to be a “no-no” attitude towards focusing manifestations on harm. And we’ll, f it, sometimes I wish people harm. This really doesn’t bother me, some people deserve it. I’m not out there actively hurting innocent people. But if I can use a little of my energy to create bad luck for a jerk or help my cause along. I’m ok with it. I don’t believe in karma the way a lot of people (mistakenly, I think) believe it works and don’t think universe is taking time to bring backlash upon me for wanting an annoying neighbor to move away. Anyhow, this is getting a tad rant-y, I just thought this would be a good place to come to ask fellow LOA practitioners how they reconcile the “be positive” push with sometimes just really wanting to manifest harm or inconvenience to others. And would love any success stories specific to manifesting, always enjoyable to read!

Well, if you’re reading Goddard, then you know, according to him, that everything and everyone is really just “you pushed out.” If you are actively trying to harm others, then according to the Goddard paradigm, you are basically trying to harm yourself because what you encounter in the outer world is simply a reflection of your own inner world.

The whole point of being God is that nothing exists outside of your consciousness so these people you want to harm are just expressions of you.

There is a big difference, however, in having a positive outlook on life, and burying your head in the sand. Being positive does not mean ignoring the negatives in life, it means simply not being attached to them. I think this is something that a lot of Law of Attraction practitioners get wrong. They think they always have to have a smile on their face and a song in their heart, but that’s not true.

Feeling the entire gamut of emotions is physically and psychologically healthy for us. The problems lie in dwelling there, and not letting the emotions go after they have served their purpose. For some strange reason, we humans all like swimming in our fear, and anger, and jealousy, and worry, which just causes us more discomfort and stress, instead of having the emotions, and then releasing them to get on with our day.

What happens when someone else decides you deserve it? If you’re going to throw stones, you better be prepared to have them thrown back at you. Remember, the world is you pushed out, so whatever you hold in your consciousness will eventually find its way into expression in your life.

“If you want to fix the outer world, then first you must fix your inner world.” Basically, focus on making your life better, and leave others alone because you don’t know their life path or what is best for them. Stand up and defend when necessary, but don’t actively try to cause harm out of some misplaced morality, or judgement, lest the same fall upon you. When you’re truly focused on enjoying your life, you’ll find you don’t have any time or interest to waste on pettiness.


But the pettiness feels oh so good in the moment :wink:
Thank you, thoughtful response.

Sometimes people deserve it. Sometimes it’s the situation that deserves it.
If our experience in the world is us pushed out are we to really just accept it as part of us and let it be?

I think what we really want is to create balance with the ebb and flow of life.

To be positive can mean different things to different people and if your idea of balance has been knocked out of whack by something or someone then it would be positive for you to try to correct your balance. That then puts your world view into a better, more positive place to be and the good flows to you.

With a Law of Attraction approach, there was a time when a boss was giving me a hard time over a couple of weeks but I noticed we was treating others around me well. For some reason he wanted to try to grind me down. I had had enough and was about to quit but I needed the money lol. So I started to create a scene in my mind that everything he did with his work went wrong and he kept making mistakes.

Every time I thought of him I replayed this scene in my mind and after a couple of days I would hear him shouting and swearing at himself for messing something up where, whatever he was doing went wrong. He was making stupid mistakes, costing himself money and those mistakes were embarrassing for him lol. It was good for me and I kept this up until he started showing me the respect I wanted. With this new showing of respect I stopped my treatment towards him and the natural positivity was restored.


Well said. I once heard that if there’s something about someone that’s bothering you… It isn’t them… It’s you.

Also I agree with you one thousand percent… Those who are truly involved in living their own lives… Tend not to have the time for the bullshit in others.

Life is short… Use the time to live your own.

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Interesting perspective, and I think that is more what I was trying to say. Even title of post comes across as more malevolent than I really want it to be. So much of the enjoy your own life advice is solid, well intentioned and something that I would tell any good friend who was feeling an injustice. But it is so difficult to get that point when you are in a situation that is not going to change anytime soon, you might not want drastic changes. I know a LOA person might advise to manifest a better situation with the focus on oneself. But life is more nuanced than that. I liked you work example, there was no extreme harm done and the outcome still has a positive slant. You’ve inspired me to think about my situation differently and how I can go about setting up a more positive scene.


If you want an annoying neighbour to move away it’s certainly possible :wink:

That’s more Law of Attraction than Law of Assumption. Being happy is great but it’s not strictly necessary to manifest; some of the most surprising turnarounds I had were when I was in a severely depressed way (like two < 12 hr turnarounds on results in the same day). The most important thing is to think from your results, not of them. Or rather “Stop believing in God and start believing as God”.

I’ve personally never used the Law as a tool for petty or baneful/harmful things, but it’s definitely possible to get an outcome that works for you if there’s, as you said, an annoying neighbour or a jerk you’re dealing with constantly. It’s more about changing your perception of reality to remove them from your life, not necessarily to cause them harm just for the sake of it.

Also, the Law works infinitely better when you focus on yourself rather than others. Wasting energy trying to fix the outside perception of reality is like trying to change your face by drawing over your reflection in the mirror. Go inward, always.


Yes! Well put!


Personally I wouldn’t use LOA against enemies because to me LOA is more about drawing in experiences and stuff to myself. Curses and Astral attacks on the other hand are a better option though as I mature I see that these are only necessary sometimes.

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Yes LOA is about drawing experiences to yourself and if you were to have a problem with someone then you absolutely can draw the experience of relief, ease and correction to yourself by aiming your thoughts towards that person without causing undue harm.

It doesn’t have to be an all out curse like objective, it might be a simple case of you wanting someone to see things in a different and better for you way.

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