Making my lover impotent with other women

Then you know what I’m talking about give a little and get a little. It’s nice to be able to have sex with more than one person at the same time. Most people will never be able to experience the “good sex” simply because they are not willing to share. :wink:


Did I say that? Don’t feed words into my mouth.[quote=“Drachir, post:19, topic:24493”]
Idk what your problem is.

You remind me to someone else, calling me a monster -just because i spoke no bloodoath, to follow and support other cabal. I mean with that: those are not my chains, they are yours.

Don’t get pretentious.

Yes everyone is selfish, but that doesn’t mean selfishness is non existent

4 posts were split to a new topic: PM thread

I wouldn’t recommend it because anytime OP is away, the man will go release his sexual urges elsewhere. If you make someone too horny, that person will go release with the first person they can have sex with, even if they won’t be satisfied.

Inflaming his man with sexual desires would be counterproductive in this case. At least until he become clearly impotent with other women or lives with OP.

Just going to point this out, wouldn’t it be easier to dispell your own jealousy rather than making your lover impotent >.>


I’m not really jealous. I just want my lover to myself. I forgot to add that we also work together

Lilith can help regulate his sex drive, Kali has been known to help with castration but I’m sure she can be more selective here, and there’s also Bhairava who’s the protector of women, he may be willing to help in some of his forms and prevent it from spilling over to your workspace.


I know this is a left-hand path community, but somethings have never jived well with me such as curses of this kind. Here is an example, if your neighbor throws loud parties and you cannot sleep rather than cursing him so that he is homeless why not just open up a pathway so that he finds a larger house in a new city.

Hope you don’t take this too hard but that is the definition of jealousy.

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Wow! I didn’t know that my post was going to cause so much trouble. Sorry everyone. :cry:

:face_with_raised_eyebrow: You did just make a topic about magically castrating your lover.

No, I made a post about having him to myself. I would never castrate him. The sex is too good for that.

I think you should ask @Lady_Eva to clear the unnecessary discussion.

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Dude this is like the first non pm post from you I have seen in like a year.


Who cares? Quit this revenge motif and deal with it … Its over. Why would you care what he does when both of you are done with each other?
Quite frankly, do it.
Hell find something else to invest his energy into to make him a happier person.


Have you talked to the guy and expressed your feelings to him in a forthcoming manner?

It’s not your fault. It’s ours. Mine for choosing to argue with him.

We’re not done with each other. He wants both of us. I want his sex all for myself.

Intuitively speaking, I think you’d benefit from someone a little more like minded than him


Yes, a little.