Making instruments

Don’t know which subject this should go just wondering on people thoughts
I having constant vivid dreams to make an instruments made of crystal ball filled with blood suspended with north south west east west
Wondering if anyone one had or having simular vivid dream to make instruments

:slight_smile:theres spell check

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No. Sounds interesting though. What’s it for? What kind of blood is in it, is it human or animal, plain or enhanced with additives? Why blood? What happens when the blood start rotting?

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Hi I’m don’t know if it human blood or not I’ll say it is my blood I’ve been asked to give blood ion a bag becuase I have high hemogloben I haven’t done the donation of my blood but I think i’ll ask to to keep it for my experament I’ll call it
what it does I don’t know I havent made it but so far it cost $200.000

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Yeah… They won’t let you do that.

but it’s my blood

I’ll just take it :slight_smile: I need it

If the blood draw is done in a medical setting, it is unlikely they will allow you to take the blood home because once it is removed from your body, it becomes medical waste and by law has to be properly disposed of (also, hospitals generally need a valid medical reason to draw blood, and saying you want to put it in a balloon suspended in the air probably will not go over well).

You might, emphasis on might, be able to hire a private phlebotomist willing to do it, but it would most likely cost a fair bit of coin.