Making BoA Your Own

Before I even opened the cover and read the first page, I understood on a very deep level that “Book of Azazel” is a Life Changing, Mind Altering Magickal Tome.

And while this is wholly true, I also recognize that ALL books are guides. Even though BoA is an extraordinary guide, I still had to put in My own work toward making it Mine. It had to be For Me - fit me, suit me, push me & refine me personally.

Those of you who have read & are currently working with “Book of Azazel”, how have you personalized it - what have you done to OWN IT?

Myself as an example: (And don’t ask me ‘why’ I did this- its crazy; its nucking futs! …)

After I made my Circle of Pacts, I felt strongly urged to put it under my bed. Yep, all laid out & lined up properly. Zoe SLEEPS in the Circle of Pacts.

I AM … certifiable. :wink: Zoe

I haven’t slept with it, I’d be too afraid to bend the pages or otherwise mutilate it. I don’t trust myself when I sleep. I’ve been told some funny stories in the morning haha.

I haven’t thought of it as making it my own per ce, but I do feel that having this book is somewhat like having a demonic membership card. It feels like an entry into the club with some bonuses. Wow, that was an awful metaphor! Anyway, I sometimes kiss it and thank it (when I feel the urge to) after reading it to show it my appreciation. I also hold it in my hands during ritual as I feel it’s a tool of authority. I have thought about ritually blessing it but I haven’t gotten around to actually doing it.

When mine comes in I plan on chanting whilst smacking it against my face, daily.

Nice Zoe! :slight_smile:

I haven’t made a Circle of Pacts yet, but anytime I get a new Talismanic Grimoire (after careful reading and making the decision that I am going to work with it) I will sleep with it a few nights. It always seems to jump start bringing the work of the book into my dreaming.

Attis - I have the same concerns, so I will get a large scarf and wrap the book in it and secure it so that it won’t come unwrapped in the bed and then put the book under my pillow.

ha, I’m glad to know that I’m not the only one doing this. And the book is also always by my side (when at home that is)

Excellent! These are all great examples of what I’m talking about! Making your chosen practice as much a part of your daily life as eating & going to work!

I’m a firm believer in bonding with the choices I make on a deep level. There is nothing silly or haphazard about this!

Although, I am tempted to suggest to Neeros (with all due respect), “don’t knock yourself out, dude”

Sorry, just couldn’t reist that one! :wink: Z

Consider talking to it just as you would a close personal friend and treat it that way…I have begun doing that to my auto for a while now and I have seen strange happenings…

While driving on the hwy…my hood released just enough to flop…it did not completely open. It has never done that before…I stopped and looked under the hood and in the inspection I found that the main belt that drives the whole engine was half broken…I could not see what the problem was that caused it…so the next day I took it to the mechanic and he told me the torsion rotor had to be replaced…it was bad and had given way to allow the belt to rub on everything else and break it…he said there is no way this auto should even be running…so I am here to tell you my auto speaks to me and tells me whenever something I am not aware of needs to be replaced by becomeing one with it…Even the computer healed itself of two problems and then began working all by itself…I suggest treating anything like that and you will see remarkable situations happen…what if we all treated those close to us with such respect? Wonder how that would change some relationships…(ONLY THOSE CLOSE TO US)…NO…NO…HELL NO…I don’t want no group hugs…stay away from me…run…run…

Uncle Fester

RidgeRunner - Good idea. I will also have to go buy something like that to wrap around my book. All I have is plastic bags and they would probably have a choking effect on its energy. Why don’t I feel plastic is natural matter? I know it is natural matter, but it just doesn’t feel like it, lol!

Bran - Haha! Well kisses is such a powerful yet subtle way of giving affection to something that is importent to you, it’s a shame not to kiss the book! :slight_smile:

[quote=“Zoe, post:6, topic:301”]Although, I am tempted to suggest to Neeros (with all due respect), “don’t knock yourself out, dude”

Sorry, just couldn’t reist that one! :wink: Z[/quote]

“Always look on the bright side of life…”

I carry the book with me most of the time and often I sleep with it next to my head. There is indeed something very exclusive and ‘VIP’ about this grimoire…makes me feel like James Bond almost.

I agree cloud9. There is indeed something very exclusive and ‘VIP’ about this grimoire. I suppose it’s because there are billions of people in the world and there is only a limited amount of copies of the BOA. I feel like as much as I was literally drawn to this book, Azazel was drawn to me (like I’m one of the lucky chosen few to receive this book by Azazel himself).
I also agree with Attis’s statement: “I haven’t thought of it as making it my own per ce, but I do feel that having this book is somewhat like having a demonic membership card. It feels like an entry into the club with some bonuses.” Unlike other grimoires I’ve owned, immediately upon opening the box it was mailed in, I felt the power of it. Maybe I should start doing even more to connect with this special grimoire like Maxx suggested talking to it.

I agree cloud9. There is indeed something very exclusive and ‘VIP’ about this grimoire. I suppose it’s because there are billions of people in the world and there is only a limited amount of copies of the BOA. I feel like as much as I was literally drawn to this book, Azazel was drawn to me (like I’m one of the lucky chosen few to receive this book by Azazel himself).
I also agree with Attis’s statement: “I haven’t thought of it as making it my own per ce, but I do feel that having this book is somewhat like having a demonic membership card. It feels like an entry into the club with some bonuses.” Unlike other grimoires I’ve owned, immediately upon opening the box it was mailed in, I felt the power of it. Maybe I should start doing even more to connect with this special grimoire like Maxx suggested talking to it.[/quote]

Demonic membership card, I like that. It does indeed feel like that!
To be honest, I actually do believe we are all chosen.

To be honest ive noticed that ive been carrying that god forsaken book around like its my bible or somthing, its always in close proximity with me, i didnt feel any power when first opening it but its turned into a kind of magnet always at arms length, seducing me to evoke from it. i ended up making the circle of pacts even though it wasnt a work of art, and ive ended up sitting in a cave reay to go, but i was disturbed by a few walkers saying oh look there is sombody in there so that was my first evocation gone abit wrong!!!

Ahahah :smiley: I’m with ya, MARK! I absolutely love to do Workings outdoors; I love the bigness of the atmosphere & the feel of natural rhythms and untainted intelligences …

But it sure can be a dash of cold water when some unaware idiot comes lumbering along!!! Better fortune next time! :wink: Z

I just got my copy yesterday, and I am slowly and carefully reading through it, about half way through now. Trying to digest it and make it my own.

The more I read through it my ideas of a differentiation between LHP and RHP, or the differentiation of anything for that matter is dissolving.

Maybe I am missing the point of damnation and darkness though.

This new perspective is in it’s infant stages so I cannot even begin to fully describe it, but really, it is great so far.

The invisible current, the infernal empire seems to be identical to the Akasha.

It seems like the writing style switches between being all about evil, and being beyond duality causing the first “evil” writing style to be read between the lines as a lesson about moving beyond duality.

Sighs I swear EA Koettings writing style really throws me for a loop. Lol

Sorry for the mostly nonsensical rambling post here.