Make an area unnoticed or keep people away from it

I want to prepare a evocation of belial in the woods. The only problem is I can’t have some wondering alcoholics ruin it.

Any ideas?

One idea is to ask Bael to conceal the place from notice. Another is to make a sign that says “free booze” and have it point in a direction away from the site.


Both sound efficient lol


Will asking bael to conceal the place effect with my evocation?

No, it shouldn’t


You can ask the fae/nature spirits in those particular woods for help.

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Wait, I don’t have to do two evocations do I?

A sigil opening should be enough

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Thanks for the help

Get mad Caution :warning: tape like hazardous material stickers etc from Home depot thata what i do to prepare a site haha it keeps people away for awhile not forever mind you

Also alot are still Ignorant and Scared you could make big sign saying Demon Evocation in progress beware all who may enter or some such


I’ll just put up


but then some paranormal investigators will get all happy.


Maybe haha could just involve them in the ritual if anyone shows think its meant to be never know

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Never know. I’ll have a friend who is also into this stuff be on lookout. But I’m going to use baels sigil and hide the place from wondering civilians

Could be Belial if you carve sygils in the trees and close the perimeter ashes leave enough signs so that only he enters

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Not a bad idea. This is a huge step for me. Belial asked me to face him in any form he chooses. I’m guessing he’s testing me. I’m going to follow evoking eternitys evocation to ensure I get a full physical form.

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Just go with the flow trust your intuition your own spirit guides may help you just know. Blessings Brother you got this just know. Balance and centered always.

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Thank you. I’ll be sure to trust my intuition.

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Ask Mother Hecate and Father Helios to conceal and hide the place and keep the prophane away

Hekas hekas este bebeloi!

Or the great God Pan to secure the ritual area.

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