Magickal "Go kit"

Do you have a small stash of magick Supply items that you take with you whenever you’re on the road? If so, post a picture of what you take with you.

Inside, I have the sigils of all 72, plus a bottle of dragons blood oil, some small pieces of 3x3 paper squares, and a black marker.

I’ll be tossing in a lighter, resin incense, salt bottle and a bag of cornmeal along with a bottle of rum and whiskey.

Emergency magick box.


I’ll have to post pics when I’m not at work. Mine is a backpack. Blank paper,cedar smudge,lighter,travel sized book of shadows,sea salt,wand,tarot cards,rope and a few choice crystals.

Yeah, I need some ematille, I keep my tarot in my backpack. Much more practical item.

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I’ve got 2 or 3 of everything I use for magic. So one goes on the altar one in my spare box and one in my travel kit.
I rarely use the travel kit anymore though. I’ve taken to finding places of power and setting up small altars or rituals.

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Currently got this (plus grimoire and mala)

Sigils, salt, frankincense, quartz, sandalwood, coal bricket, sage, lancets, pendulum, (bad) coal holder.
Might add a few small candles, brush and some paper, at some point…and change the coal holder


I don’t have a lot but I do have a backpack. I keep whatever I am currently working with at the moment. It’s continuous contents include a book (what ever I am working with), a journal, loose leaf paper, pencils, pens, and a compass for drawing circles.

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Those are some gnarly sigils! I’m envious. Where’d you get them from if you don’t mind me asking?

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The wish app. One of The better purchase I’ve Made there

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Yeah, but by the time it shows up, the person that you were going to utilize them for for will have already died of natural causes

Just my wand and grimoire.

Three weeks wasnt that long…

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What? Nice! I’m gonna look into this! I detest using my phone. The bright light makes it kind of difficult to gaze at. Tiles and semi permanent are cool too, but I love metal. xD

Thank you! :slight_smile:

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I’ve ordered things from wish that took months to show up. Or else it never showed up at all

So have I (well, 1.5 months at most)…its a bit of a gamble, both in time and item quality. I’ve also got decent items in little under 2 weeks