Magick can overcome will?

Do you believe that magic can overcome will with the power of God’s? I ask because of people’s stories of being oppressed by demons they tried to cast out and then being possessed. To me that’s overcoming your will. Opinions?

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Magick can overcome weak willed.


Can u explain weak willed? What if the person is stubborn or just the ego

Your will needs to be stronger than victims for start, however that doesnt guarantee you victory.

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Ego is what makes you who you are, your ego may have moments of being weak willed, weak willed is someone who doesn’t have the strength to endure something whatever it may be. Not always hardship. Peoples’ wills vary and even an individual’s will varies depending on the subject and if they care or not about it. Stubborn is part of having a strong will, but even stubborn people have their moments.


perfect explanation indeed.

Good rule of thumb with magic: if it can be dreamed, it can be done. Another good rule of thumb: everything costs.

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I wouldn’t say everything can be done. That’s usually one of those setting up for failure things.

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This means I can’t turn into a blobfish? :cry:

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Afraid not but you can become a blobfish furry :smiley: without the fur lol