Magicians please help thank you

I worked with a few spirits and did some obsession work. I saw the guy’s true colors & backed off, but the obsession work took over when I let go and he turned into a psycho because I didn’t want him anymore. We share a child so it got even more scary when he threatened to take him. Everything is cool now and I refuse to do anymore obsession work.

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Wow, if it is not too much to ask, and if it is ok, can I please ask where can I find the obsession ritual that you made? Thank you

…I don’t wish that on anyone. it wasn’t love that drove him to obsession. there are a ton of threads here though that also talk about obsession & what to do to make it happen, who to work with etc.

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Everything is in the demon of magick book. u gots 72 goetia demons. unlimited spells. stop jumping around with what others tell you. focus. stop reading the forum. take a break . focus on the one book. get out of the desperation mode. your being gullible to what anyone tells you without thinking.


You are so right … aren’t we most of the time when in love… only human