Magic circle

I was thinking about picking up a magic circle. I have 2 questions does it improve your evocations that much more ? What one is better the Universal circle or the the white one that they have for sale?

Depends, what story are you telling yourself with your circle? What story are you telling the Universe?

I dont know. I have no experience with angels. What do you suggest? Crazy enough Angels scare me more then demons. I dont know why.

[quote=“jaysalamone, post:3, topic:3661”]I dont know. I have no experience with angels. What do you suggest? Crazy enough Angels scare me more then demons. I dont know why.[/quote]What do angels have to do with choosing a circle?

one circle is more for demons one is more for angels. that what I thought

The Universal Circle is just that, universal. It can be used for ANY entity you want. Demons, angels, elementals, planetary, they can all be conjured using the UC. The other circle on offer is a version of the Circle of Solomon, and is meant to be used in the evocation of the beings from that system, which are demons and angels, I believe (I could be wrong though; I’m not very knowledgeable of the system.).

[quote=“jaysalamone, post:5, topic:3661”]one circle is more for demons one is more for angels. that what I thought[/quote] the universal circle is just that, it covers all evocations, all entities! one circle for everything! :slight_smile: i just got mine and it is good quality, will last forever…:slight_smile:

Have u noticed a difference? Are ur evocations more powerful?

You still have to do the work; they are tools and tools still need an operator to use them. That said, I have found the UC a very powerful tool, I wouldn’t say that it makes evocations “more powerful” but it does seem to influence how spirits interact with you, like they see from the start, “this person has staked a claim to godhood and calls with authority.”

Edit - Hell, even meditating in that thing is worth an experiment.