Made up a symbol for Lucifer

So I wanted to offer Lucifer this symbol I drew for him based off his sigil but I want to make sure it doesn’t belong to anyone or anything first? Plus will that be an acceptable offering? I really really want to work with him. I feel as though I am attached to him already and I definitely am able to feel his presence I just want to make sure I’m doing everything right because I haven’t really like seen or heard him yet.


I’m myself not aware of this symbol belonging to anything so… And I believe is okay for you to offer him yes. You haven’t hear or seen him because of your senses are not quite developed yet, so keep working on them and keep try reaching, summoning him, cause he’s hearing you even if you can’t hear him yet.

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Its perfect and it belongs to lucifer dont worry
Apart from a offering the sigil is used like a portal to connect you and the spirit to my knowledge
When u call him he hears you

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I really love the good vibes I get here. @IzzyLuna you’re always so sweet and gentle. But thank you both. I really hope he likes it. :relieved:

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Can we talk outside of this?:weary: I need you to be my friend like seriously

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Of course, I’ll PM. :slight_smile:

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Great work!

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When I offer this symbol to him do I put it in the middle of the sigil?

Like I was going to draw his sigil and put the symbol in the middle and put my blood on top of it. Could I do that?