
Yesterday night I had a rite to celebrate Lucifer.
What do you feel when you summon Him?
I’d like to compare my feelings with yours.



Personally speaking, the first time - I had a wonderful experience. It was quiet and I felt very relaxed and based after it.

The second time however, I had horrific nightmares - which in truth were probably me scaring myself rather than Lucifer actually fucking with me.


Most of the times when I try to make contact with Lucifer I become sedated and dizzy and I can feel sometimes wind blowing out of nowhere. Beside all of those I can feel a warm sensation filling my body and sometimes I feel cold chills.


Lots of different things. He always comes in warm to me. And the world and my surroundings seem to stop or fade away - as if they became one dimensional and He and I are the only living beings. Comfort. This may vary person to person but I feel like he’s a huge hug wrapped around me. He’s very touchy feely also.


Can be testing + fears, had the same thing.

Well he comes always during a ritual, sometimes more at the end. One time I had a problem in my sleep with paralysis he wad there right away. It’s more like I know him, father figure. Helps you but lets you take the initiative. All in a good time. @Raven_Maleficus acknowledged that in his divination. I think I hear him but still working on skills so I need to let go of doubt.

Goosebumps, warm feeling, much synchronicity even with music. We have a view song we both like which I hear in the most strange place. Once at the dentist :joy::joy::joy:

I’m a male not female.

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Corrected the text. Mistake sorry. I learned a lot from Raven Phoenix, that’s why the mistake is there.
It’s even in your name :slight_smile:

It’s pure it’s full of light and the energy is Radiant and when you feel it you know he is the lord.


His energy makes me feel tired and sick to my stomach. Other than that he is a father figure for me very relaxed and comforting

Honestly, I normally don’t feel any different when working with spirits, unless I do a full invocation/evocation (The Full Monty).

Usually though, he’s funny as sin. Basically the fallen angel of memes and shenanigans, but in a good way; he’s the morning star for a reason.

Absolutely! The first time I felt it I thought I was dying and going to " the light. " It was pure bliss.


He can be sedating, makes me relaxed. Speaks to me in dreams after but not always. He will come in my room and I feel something laying on me like a warm blanket. He speaks to me thru songs alot. I adore Lucifer.


@Chakraless_magick, i can partially relate to your experience. I usually evoke him just before I go to sleep. For some reason, I reach him quicker that way. I’ll ask him questions and he’ll answer directly, or show me something that has the answer to my question and I have to figure it out. Most of the time, it’s not something that will crack my head. Not till yesterday, I’d never manifested him while I was wide awake doing a read. I evoked him yesterday for enlightenment on a read I was doing. He manifested himself like the flame of a candle. I usually meditate upon him with my eyes closed, but yesterday, while my candle was burning and my eyes closed, he told me to open my eyes and look at the flame. There I now saw 2 flames instead of 1. It was a peaceful moment. He guided me on finding answers to the question I’d asked. This was actually one of the reasons I joined BALG. I’m glad I did. Simply put, I’d say he’s my guardian angel.


He always comes quickly to my call. He feels warm and kind, yet I would never take that for weakness. His energy is incredible to me, dissociative and euphoric. It’s like a drug without any negative side effects. Speaking of that, I miss Lucifer I need to talk to him soon. He told me that he’s always been there even when I thought I was his enemy as a Xian, drawing me toward enlightenment.




Glad to see that I’m not the only one who feels snuggley around Lucifer.

Biggest thing for me: when he’s around I can’t lie. To him or myself. Regardless of how much I want to.


That’s incredible! He’s def not subtle with signs I love that about him. I find the longer you work w him the quicker and easier it is too call him. I don’t even go thru ritual anymore and prefer invocation rather than evokation


Hahaha… . Yea. It’s still early in the morning lol!


I had a mistake to in my post above. Lazy Sunday :wink: . Enjoy