Lucifer is not a fallen Angel

This came across my Facebook feed today. Yet another gem from the Thelema group.


Interesting. I feel that people over the years have severely misunderstood what this name means and therefore are in the dark about it’s true nature. Going by a Christian context, I’ve never thought Lucifer, Satan, the Devil, etc was some ultra bad guy, but one who wants us to experience true knowledge of the world and beyond. What is so bad about that?

I’ve read a few different stories about Satan and some even claim that he is not what is generally thought of him, but one who actually wants humans to worship the Christian god and merely tests us to prove our worth to God. It was quite an interesting take on things.

Satan and Lucifer seem to be different god anyways, Lucifer is based on ancient roman/greek god (well roman gods were based on greek ones) if i remember correctly.

Someone who can explain even better will likely appear.

[quote=“TheDark, post:2, topic:6186”]Interesting. I feel that people over the years have severely misunderstood what this name means and therefore are in the dark about it’s true nature. Going by a Christian context, I’ve never thought Lucifer, Satan, the Devil, etc was some ultra bad guy, but one who wants us to experience true knowledge of the world and beyond. What is so bad about that?

I’ve read a few different stories about Satan and some even claim that he is not what is generally thought of him, but one who actually wants humans to worship the Christian god and merely tests us to prove our worth to God. It was quite an interesting take on things.[/quote]

I actually came up with a theory based on this using the Hermetic principle of correspondence.

In our world. Leaders lie constantly. Who is to say that some so called God wouldn’t do just that for the same narcissistic need for control. All the monotheistic religions have different names for the one true God.

Allah. Jehovah, Elohime, Yahweh… What if these are all just powerful spirits telling their group that they are the one true God. Each one fighting for a throne over the entire universe. What if those are just the current major contenders?

Having done some research, it would seem that the passage in Isiah 14:12 which says “How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations!” is in reference to the Babylonian King Babel. who refused to acknowledge any supreme being other than himself.

Babel?i thought his name was gilgamesh.

Gilgamesh was probably a real historical figure, but not a demigod as is written in the Epic of Gilgamesh. He was of Sumerian origin, whereas Babel was Babylonian. Gilgamesh was likely a real king who may have reigned in the 26th century BC.

Sumerians and Babylonians were two different cultures, although they were located in or around the same area.