Lucifer Evocation/Invocation

I understand that these spirits understand and see time differently than us humans (or aliens on this forum :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:) but I don’t have a temple and much a place to do any evocations easily. And Lucifer keeps popping up in my mind. Like I would like to have a amazing setup if I was to call Lucifer into my life. I’ve built relationships with some Goetia dietys and a few others but I hear Lucifer is another level.

Thoughts of doing a invocation or pray to Lucifer ? Think that will suffice and when I have my own place do a thankful offering. Thank you for any responses

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Yes. You don’t need anything fancy to pray or make offerings. A simple heartfelt thank you, and some nice incense is fine. Even just pouring a glass of wine and proclaiming that it is for Lucifer and leaving it on a table or altar is good.

Remember, it is the thoughts that count. You can even rub your hands together and hold them palm up and offer the energy to Him. You don’t need a lot.


I did my ever first invocation to Lucifer, my virgin invocation. I was clueless as a bat. All I had was his hand drawn sigil, his enn, a candle. That was all.

But he came nonetheless.

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I was taking a nap praying to him to show me himself when he showed up in a HUGE way. Knowing me and I’m skeptic he did it AGAIN. You need only your voice. Things will come and he is understanding.


Me too! The first time he answered me, I thought it was all in my head. I tried a second time, I thought it was all in my head again. Until the third time, it got REALLY loud. And I was soldddddd.

Hail Lucifer!


Yep he understands! When I started hearing him out of nowhere I was like oh hell no i lost my mind. And he said very clearly “ If you don’t want to hear my voice I will not try to contact you anymore.” I started listening!


The way i read this…:expressionless:
Why? Just Why?

And I know damn well i aint gay :expressionless::joy:


@Micah :rofl::rofl::rofl: “ I know damn well…”
I’m dying :rofl::rofl::rofl:

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Fucked up part is, i was just thinking about channeling Lucifer

Then i see this shit :neutral_face::joy:

This is why i chill with Satan. He dont use semi gay shit to reach people :joy::joy::joy:


I mean It got your attention didn’t it ?!:joy::smiling_imp:

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Pretty much :joy:
Channeling him It is then lol

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Before I got really messed up by family, I just meditated to a candle and asked to visit Lucifer. That’s when I had a dream of becoming a being of living flame. Was pretty awesome and I woke up with so much energy. Doesn’t take much imho. I guess now days I’m just so much into myself and try not to call other beings. Gotta do stuff by action of your own hands. Maybe I like making life more difficult (shrugs).

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Don’t worry, just go for it and find out for yourself. Just so you know though, Lucifer is an amazing spirit to work with and he works quickly too!


I don’t use an altar or a dedicated space for anything I do. Usually just incense, a sigil and meditation. Lucifer is very understanding in my experience. The first time I came to him I didn’t know if he heard or not, but that same night I slept with his sigil under my pillow and I had a very vivid dream of him. I felt myself start to shake like a very heavy vibration then a blinding light appeared and through it walked a figure of a man who walked forward, waved at me then departed. I took it as his way of saying “yes, I heard you”. If you feel drawn to Lucifer then contact him, he is certainly not the devil he is made out to be.


Lol. You know I know he knows

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I’m still doubting it a bit because he tends to drop by, if you know what I mean. So sometimes you hear the music, voice. Synchronization with numbers.


For sure it’s not always the same. When I started it was talk talk talk. And I was hung up on not feeling the feeling I had at the beginning. But then it shifted and I would get the feelings and impressions. Or synchronicity ( I don’t believe in coincidence). I think it’s his way of opening ALL our senses.


Ah thank you I have the same thing. Even feathers when I do a good job or numbers when I fuck up a little :wink:

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Are you able to pick up on his moods? I can feel them and can tell when something is bothering him. Which usually doesn’t last long because he IS verbal when he’s sassy :joy:


Yes I can feel it now. But I think I have the same so he feels my moods too. So that’s funny

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