Love Spells

I’m starting to get alot of requests for Love spells in my PMs and I wanna make a quick announcement:

I cannot accommodate everyone in need of love as i have my own shit to deal with. If someone needs Love done for em you got options:

  1. J.S. Garret Does Love rites.

  2. Evoke a Spirit or do a ritual yourself.

  3. I have a off-forum ritual business I do. My email is on my bio, so contact me there and we can discuss what’s up.

If it’s not on my Bio, then just pm me.

I will NOT do free ANYTHING for you or anyone else regardless of your situation. This is due to the nature of Love Magic and the effort it takes to do this shit.

Most of you who ask for spells are TOO attached to the person for shit to work and this hinders the work that any mage no matter how powerful can do for you.

This results in constant bullshit like…
“Is the spell working???”

“When will they come back?!?!?!”

“It’s been too long!!”

“Feed me ice cream and massage my stomach cause I lonely without this person”

And more stupid shit.

Please do not contact me for Love Magic if you do not have a semblance of control over your own emotions, thoughts, and can actually leave shit alone to make the magic work.

If you’re stable and not Co dependent, hit me up.
Or J.S. Garrett
Or a Spirit


P.S.: Forum friends…if y’all get these requests and dont wanna deal with it, send em to me IF you feel they fulfill the above requirements (stable, mentally sound, not too attached, etc)


This channel is go to for love spells.


Lmao manipulate the levels of dopamine,serotonin and oxytoxocin and poof,victim falls in love.

Many peoples love spells doesn’t work because its the roots of their magick not fruit.Tell me whats easier,taking a fruit or removing the whole tree with its roots ?

Lmao this guy is Indian :joy:
Good for you mate,dont do anyone these kind of favors,time is valuable as fuck :money_mouth_face:

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Expand on this for the people in the back pls


You want me to do it here or in front page ?

Up to you mate

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Sorry but this opens a loophole for spammers, “Oh I don’t do free rituals, no matter how desperate you may be, but check my profile for me paid services” - can’t take that risk. :man_shrugging: