Love spell rambel

Love spells are the trickiest I think because finding what calls to you and figuring out when and how to do it and how to rewrite sometimes or even writing your own and which entities to call on or let the universe do it for you is tricky. ironically people looking for them are told to move on or not cast because of one thing or another. And the spells that do get out are ones that are three pages or ones that acquire 20 something ingredients or a combination of the two which then it’s like “this ingredient is the few things that make it work or else it won’t work and it’s $25” or its “you have to do it this day or do it this week at this hour or else the hard work is wasted” Which in turn makes someone doubt and dwell and from what Ive seen that is what you aren’t supposed to do.

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If this isn’t the truth and there are even more factors to why love magick is tricky lol

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