Lord Dantalion can force thoughts into another person’s head

Several months ago, a very dear long distance friend of mine, more than a friend really, disappeared without warning. I’ve been worried sick for months. I evoked Dantalion a few times to ask for help, and also bought a sigil pendant which I use to contact him. I thought for a long time that my ritual just didn’t work. But after these very long last few months, Dantalion has finally come through for me.

The friend in question messaged me with a new account he made specifically to talk to me. Not only that, he said that for months he’s been having these strange uncontrollable thoughts enter into his mind about me, and he felt he just had to reach out and explain. In doing so, we’ve actually begun to rekindle the friendship.

Long story short, at my request, Dantalion implanted thoughts into my target’s mind that drove him to contact me as I had wanted.

Hail the Great and Mighty Duke Dantalion, who I will never again doubt the abilities of!


Nice one, Strange!


He’s such a beautiful and kind spirit. Always comes through!!

Thank you for sharing :bouquet:


Guy rocks :metal: Damn cool


i have been trying to get Dantalion to help me as well hopefully i will get the results im looking for
myself as well. glad to hear how he came through for you :grin:


Love her!!! Ave Great Duque Dantalion!!! Thanks for ever You!!!

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Dantalion did it again!!!

I lost touch with the same person again for a while (I love them, but they’re notoriously unreliable), and so I reached out to Duke Dantalion once again to ask for help reconnecting. It had been half a year since I heard from them and months since they were last supposed to contact me. I did the ritual 12 days ago, and today he reached out again! Less than two weeks, I’m impressed.

For anyone who wants to know my method, I wrote a formal letter addressed to Duke Dantalion explaining the situation, thanking him for his precious help, and asking if he could once again aid me. I did so under green candlelight, as that’s his candle colour. I chanted his enn while staring into my brass sigil pendant I have for him, and then proceeded to read the letter aloud. I used a sterile diabetic lancing pen to prick my finger to offer blood at that point.

I bled a LOT, and it hurt big time, not at all like when I do so for Marbas. It’s happened before, when I did a sexual ritual with him and nearly passed out afterwards - that felt like I had all the wind knocked out of me at once. Perhaps this is the cost of Dantalion’s help, he needs to take a lot of energy. Anyways, I placed the blood on his sigil, asked him to use my energy for this purpose, and then closed the ritual by committing his task to him via burning the letter, which I lit with those green candles. I scattered the ashes the next day in the wind and tried my best to forget about it, which I did after a few days, because I know lust for results is bad.

And it worked magnificently. I highly recommend working with this spirit for anything related to mind influence, persuasion, and control.

Hail Dantalion!


Would he be happy if I drew his sigil on white paper with black ink

I have green candles and lavender incense sandalwood incense

@Ornias Yes, but be sure to draw it very well and cleanly. I suggest using either a compass or tracing a glass to get the circle.

The green candles and incense are good, he’ll like that.

Yes I will

Thank u for your reply

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on some websites it says blue candle, can i use blue?

You can use any candle you want.

Dukes like green thats why I said that.


That’s absolutely stunning, Hail Dantalion. Thanks for sharing this with us.

Thanks for sharing, I’ll definitely be adding Dantalion to my list of spirits I’ll be working with

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