Loosing Hope šŸ˜ž

Iā€™m at my wits end! Iv tried everything but no success anywhereā€¦How can I petition Belial if I canā€™t afford wine or anything else he likes :disappointed: Iā€™m Broke living in my car no more money for food my phone is going off today I donā€™t have money to pay the bill or my CARNOTEā€¦They threatening to pull it and I have no where else to go I pay child support as well so I canā€™t really work a regular job because my whole check gets taken. My ex husband abused me and took my children All I have is a red pen paper and my intentions would I be able to do an emergency petition with this PLEASE SOMEONE HELP ME WITH THIS ANSWER

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You need nothing but a clear mind and a strong will to petition any spirit. Go for it, forget the fancy wine. This stuff is more for you than anything else tbh, although some say you need offerings. You give offerings if and when you can or want to, itā€™s not a prerequisite for a successful petition.


just chant his enn:

Lirach tasa vefa welhc Belial

explain the situation, im sure heā€™ll understand


@C.Kendall I know you still practiced magic while you were I. Jail. This is pretty damn close to it, do you have any suggestions for her?

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Ok so for some more physical advice what country are you in? I can help you a ton if your are in the US.


Draw Belialā€™s sigil (even that wouldnā€™t be absolutely necessary, but everything is useful), red is also an appropriate colorā€¦ He may help, for example, just with law-related matters. One way to go is to gaze at the sigil (look while relaxing your eyes) until you ā€œopenā€ it, i.e. perhaps the lines will seem to disappear and reappear 3D, almost floating over the paper. Then imagine your goal as already real, feel the relief, the satisfaction, other possible emotions to the point of exhausting them; finally verbalize the desired situation and try to let go, to forget about it (alas, not simple in such cases)


Thank You So Much For Your Response

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She may be of help, this is from Kingdom of Flames.


Thank You So Much

Would he get angered if I pronounce it wrong

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Yes Iā€™m In Southaven Mississippi right now but Iā€™m From Memphis TN

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Thank You!

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Ok you can apply for cash and food assistance. Also call your car lean holder you can push up to two payments to the back of your loan. Also you can go to women shelters to have a better place to sleep and shower and get food and Clothes. You can stay there while getting back on your feet. Donā€™t dodge child support because that can be used against you when you go back to fight for you kids.

I know itā€™s tough, but you got this. I currently fell on hard times since I had to leave my job to focus on my son. I canā€™t pay all my bills but I did call to push off my car payments. Also with aid you will get something called lifeline that will give you a phone.

While you take care of the mundane stuff work with Belial to make your life better. Thereā€™s a lot of simple and easy lucky money spells too that you donā€™t even need help with. The most important thing to remember is we have to do some work to better ourselves while working with Magick. It isnā€™t just handed to us like i the movies. Most importantly donā€™t give up hope, donā€™t give up on yourself, and fight for your children make getting them back and being stable the reason you live and breathe.

I hope this helps.


nah i dont think so

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Was your ex husband a sorcerer? We need to get all factors right at this point.if your husband was a magician before you broke up there is a highly likely chance he was given advise to curse you before parting ways and your life falling apart. I donā€™t mean to be a, dick but just saying



You should consider going to a womenā€™s shelter for women who have been abused. They can help you with services and transitional living. I would also contact your child support office. Based on your situation they can make adjustments to your child support. Work on getting your basic necessities. Food, shelter, financial stability. If you live in the USA , your local DPSS office can help you with emergency food stamps, a emergency hotel voucher, general relief (200-300 dollars), medi-cal, and welfare to work services. You can also apply for a free Obama cell phone.

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I was told from my daughter that he have my grandmother that raised me picture taped in his drawer to the point you would have to cut it out plus my pictures in his shoe box in his closet I been going through this since we divorced and his wife is my ex friend she was the one told me about the pictures in the shoebox So I truly feel that has something to do with it ITs mighty funny 98% of my income goes to they house hold

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Been there done that

I was also told They Both Went to someone and the wife my ex so called friend Before we stopped being cool she told me herself they went to a lady and she told her to wear a black necklace to protect her from me and told her to never take it off but it ended up breaking and the way she panicked when it broke trying her best to contact the lady and get another one I knew then something wasnā€™t right but of course she told me as if it was a simple protection crystal Because we got so close we started having the same dreams and started getting ea other sickness but I know now they did something

I hope this isnā€™t too late. Honestly, putting someoneā€™s picture under your shoe is a very potent magic to grind them to the soil. If it is happening to you Iā€™m extremely sorry for you.

I would suggest you to do petition to Hindu deities Ganesha and Hanuman. Ganesha is known as VIGHNA-HARTA meaning remover of obstacles. You can petition to him and promise to bring him laddoos once your situation improves. You can chant ā€œOm Gam Ganpate Namahā€

Hanuman is known to be very strong with mystical powers, reading his hymn can remove spirit possessions, anecdotally speaking. You can look up for Hunuman Chalisa on YouTube and play it, or just chant ā€œOm Hanu Hanumate Namahā€ā€¦ Do check the pronunciation if possible.

Iā€™d also suggest you petition King Paimon, and promise him an offering, and to tell the story of his help once the situation improves. He can help get the legal and paperwork handled.

I donā€™t think giving an offering upfront is necessary in such situations as yours. Any spirit can see you arenā€™t in a place to do so and I donā€™t think they are looking for free stuff. Offerings are more about expressing your respect and gratitude.

Besides this, I think you too should tape his picture to your shoes to get you on an even ground. I would also suggest you make a honey jar to sweeten them towards you when possible.