Looking for literature on fundamentals of spirits

Just want some media about spirits, what exactly they are. Preferably a book or a mini series perhaps. Thank you for your time :slight_smile:

this is a pretty good one for general info
Summoning Spirits: The Art of Magical Evocation (Llewellyn’s Practical Magick)Sep 8, 2002
by Konstantinos


What specifically are you looking for?
A religious point of view?
A psychological one?
Or one based on personal experience and practical application on how to interact with them?

And many, many posts on this forum, a BIG part of this is making your own mind up on what spirits are and are not, anything else you get from others is only their opinions until you put it the test and see for yourself.

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Does it go into detail about what they are. Like… Where they are in relation to us. Some people say a parallel dimension, but they’re able to interact with us so how? If they were invisible and physical forces they would have to have mass or else they would get catapulted off of Earth during to the rotation. @charles9 I’m looking for all of the above, personal experiences, philosophy, and psychological.

I can’t remember off the top of my head its been awhile since ive read it.

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That’s a good book by Konstantinos, though in my opinion Konstantinos makes things too complicated. Didn’t understand any of “that shit” he’s talking about when preparing things for evocation. But maybe that’s just me. Pardon my choice of words… :slight_smile:

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Looks like a good book. Know of a way I can get a FREE TRIAL for it :wink: :wink:

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Its old enough you should be able to hunt down a pdf copy if you are determined

I tried :frowning:

Check out RuneSoup and Star.Ships. RuneSoup is a podcast and Star.Ships is a book. Both by Gordon White. Just a warning though, that podcast is as addictive as crack cocaine.


Oooh yeah I’ve heard of em. He talks about a wide array of topics. I listened to one of them they’re quite interesting. Thanks man!


The laws of physics only applies to that which is of this world


Well yes that’s why I brought up parallel dimensions.


I am reading now Become a living God-ebook. I am curious by nature. :wink:

Summoning spirits by Konstantinos