Looking for info/advice ASAP

Feel free to send me a list if you would like. :grin:

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Well your wife should definitely call upon the Archangels. Also the angels Cahetel for the childs protection and Chaumiah to liberate the child as well.
Perhaps somekind of offering to Bast? Again not sure if you incorporate or have in the past that entity.
The Guedes are Voodoo spirits, the thing is everybody has them, they literally represent the unnamed dead. The Months of October and November are their stongest months, and oct 31 through nov 2 are their feast days. Maman Brigitte is the wife of Papa Guede she is extremely protective of children and very easy to respectfully petition, her origins are from the Celtic Aisle as the Goddess Brigid.

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I have a Guede in my household then since i do have an unnamed dead within my keep. I’ve discussed us using the Archangels and she’s not ready to do that yet. From what my daughter has told us its pretty much if we submit to her wishes then the witch goes away, but if we lie and don’t submit it comes back and tries to take things from her using familiars

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Send me an opening message. Still don’t have PM rights yet

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