Looking for advice from Palo Tata or Yaya

Hi. I was recently scratched to Ya Ya in Palo less that a week ago. I have been having strange dreams ever since. I’m wondering if this is my Mpungo reaching out to start teaching me. My godfather is going to do a reading for me later, but I was just wondering if anyone else experienced anything like this after their elevation. The dreams I’m having involve people trying to kill me or communication with living family members that have died in the dream and Im traveling to the underworld to talk to them. There is no sense of fear or danger associated with any of the dreams like you might expect.


I don’t have much knowledge or experience with Santeria but I can say that journies into the Underworld are often quest for knowledge. So it is possible you are reaching out to your loved ones for guidance and wisdom.

Best of luck to you Hope you find your answers

Hmmmm…your best bet would be to wait for your Tata to do the reading.

Dreams are a common way of the spirits communicating, no matter what tradition you are in. But in Palo and other ATR’s…if you don’t know the meaning yourself, the best thing to do is go to your priest.

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Do you have access to an nmpungo? Or a Palo de muerto? Or any other spiritual source within your own household?

Yes I do.