Looking for a thing to find new love, search function being unhelpful

I want someone new, and I want more of an “arrange the world to give you an ideal lover” than a “make this person love me” spell, something powerful. The search function has a lot of people wanting old lovers back, and I am not in that category. Sorry I’m asking such a commonly asked question, but what’s a super powerful method to do this?


Ask the Goddess of Love. She’ll hook you up in no time. In my case, I got results in a matter of hours.

Can’t guarantee she’ll be suited to you long term though, but she will definitely deliver.

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Can you tell me one of her names so I can call her up more easily, or do I just evoke her from the name Goddess of Love?

Inanna, Ishtar, Aphrodite, Astarte or just Queen of Heaven in English, whichever aspect you prefer.


From Demons of Magick: Sallos can “increase your chances of meeting somebody who is deeply aroused by you, with the potential to love you”.

I’d imagine other entities associated with love can assist too. Haniel, Aphrodite.

Or, Law of Assumption.


I’m gonna call up Ishtar, and I will tell you how it goes in the following hours.

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What books do you have from the Gallery of Magick? If you have any. Even though you’re gonna try a method now, but for future reference it could be helpful.

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None that I can remember. I remember a words of power one. Maybe that isn’t GOM but I can always get more

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It seemed to work out. She gave me the condition of never mentioning my past lover to the person I meet. She also told me that it was my time to experience it or something.

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Yes that is from the GOM. The ritual to attract a partner in Words of Power (Or perhaps it was from Greater Words of Power) worked powerfully for me. But if you’re doing a ritual to attract someone into your life, the magick will do exactly that. It won’t guarantee you enter into a relationship with them, as in my case. It brings then to you, but then you will have to do what is necessary to make the love flourish and just react well so that the attraction continues. Just normal dating stuff. With that said, I wish it goes well for you! :slight_smile:


I am currently using an entirely different method. But I wont be rash or dumb this time.

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I would make a manifestation jar or write letters of intent to the aether. I’ve had really bad experiences with entitles playing matchmaker, and sometimes they don’t have your best interest.

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IT’s a biiit too late. Besides, I dont feel like jars work too well for me.

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Use whatever method that helps harness your own power, its all about tapping into something greater.

I was just giving my opinion, and how I haven’t had pleasant experiences with them as matchmakers.

But Enki told me those events lead me to where I’m at now.

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IT’s good, for now. Don’t think I am gonna be absolutely wrecked like i was a few months ago. probably wrecked moderately.

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Ok, let us know how it goes. Just remember, finding love does not necessarily mean she is the one. Most likely both of you need to cross paths for now to grow in some ways. She will arrange someone that also needs you in her life right now, not just the other way round.


I’m sure. I just feel like lots of stuff is happening rn.

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put your own name into honey jar and look often into mirror. There is never too much of love for yourself :slight_smile:

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Look into Tul, under my name if you want my experience, general if not.


So it looks like I’m going to be stuck on a bus with my ex. School running out of bus drivers so now I have to have an extra encounter with him for a few weeks. I don’t know why I keep running into him, but it’s annoying. I’m just tryna move on from the guy and not think too much about him because all that trying to manifest him back clearly didn’t work. I just don’t wanna have to pretend he’s not there all the time and make him/myself feel uncomfortable around this situation. Ughhhh.

I got nowhere else to put this, looked optimal to put it here considering what I’m doing.