Looking for a spell for a guy who wont commit

I am sorta dating someone. We used to work together, sex is great but he is afraid to commit due to past relationship heartache. I truly want to be with him. Any ideas on what to do?

Give him lots of healing and make him feel safe with you.

It’s very hard to trust after being hurt… “once bitten twice shy”… so that’s the problem not that he doesn’t want commitment. He doesn’t want to commit and have it used to hurt him. The distinction is important.

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How can I do the healing? I am not familiar with that. He knows that I like him and that I wanna be there for him for the hard times as well. I am looking more for a commitment spell or something that will make him see me clearly

Patience and time will do it naturally. Prove you’re there for him no matter what by simply doing it.

To be honest, by wanting to push him when he’s not ready, is proof that you’re actually not. You’re all about you and what you want, and not what he needs, right? Humans are all slightly telepathic and he will be able to sense that, and it could be making it worse. This is the exact reason many love spells fail, because they’re coming from a needy place not a loving place.

I don’t think this is about you or him not seeing you. It’s about his wounds. Make it about him and helping him be happy and secure.

For this try Haagenti to remove fear. He’s living weakly from this fear of being hurt, and removing this would let him be confident and not anxious about the outcome.


Thank you so much!True I am a bit selfish and I miss him!I want to see him but he doesnt seem to be in the mood for that or to talk

One thing that I have learned, is that the truest definition of Love is taking another’s needs, goals, and desires has one’s own. You love and respect him enough to want what he wants and what’s best for him even if it’s difficult.Luckily, I believe that this is a definition and state of being that can be attained with just a little bit of hard work and awareness. For example, rather than lamenting that he is not being open with you try reframing it as an opportunity to be there for him as he is and to create a safe and nurturing place for him to grow and heal. This will hopefully help you to see yourself as gaining a place in his life rather than being restricted from it does that make sense?


One thing I know is that we men really don’t know what we have till it’s gone. If he thinks he’s going to lose you unless he commits, he’s gonna commit.


Yes it does :slight_smile: Thank you

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I am afraid to take that risk…I posted something among the lines that I am letting him go this wednesday on my facebook profile. He saw it, he liked it and he asked to meet me but I am afraid to do that again


I would seriously recommend reading up on psychology today’s articles on relationships they’re really helpful. They’ve truly changed my life

Well there you have it. When we men (and people in general) believe someone will be there for us no matter what, we tend to lose interest (this is of course talking about early relations, not married couples). But when we believe we can lose someone, we do everything we can to get their interest back.

So i will go radio silence. Any spells that can help with my situation?

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