Looking for a Dark mage, Shaman, or witch

Hi I live in Perth was and no one I know uses magik I’m very new to it and felt pushed to wright this am looking for a master to guide me and shearing in my experiences and accomplishments pm me if you feel pulled to teach me

I am by no means a dark shaman but I consider myself to be prone to serving of the self. I’m a norse shaman so if you need any help with anything based upon the Norse gods and the Norse path I can show and tell you what I know

Yes as I’m new to magik I know I’m Sagittarius and a fire sign anything I would be good at I’d like to try

Also would like to know if you see anything about me like my spiritual path or any spirit or entity trying to reach out to me ould help so much

Welcome mate! What kind of info/assistance do you need? We’re all masters but some are more aware of it than others.

would like to know if you see anything about me like my spiritual path or any spirit or entity trying to reach out to me ould help so much.anything that’s good for a novice

Nothing too clear at the moment. I wouldn’t necessarily expect it to be either. However, check with Archangel Uriel to be sure.



It depends on your determination and pursuit. What kind of spiritual guidance or a master you are trying to find? Can you be more specific?
Also, not many masters take apprentices. Hard to find. Advanced masters seek a blessing from Higher Spirits prior. You have to be ‘approved’ and chosen. Only a few will be granted this opportunity.

Try a taro reading, personalised.