Living where you evoke

Hi everyone, am beginning to see results in magick as i have forged my own path and now know what suits well for me. My challenge is in space. I have a big one room space and i am dividing it with a cloth to separate my working space with where i sleep. My focus for now will be on astral evocation with crystal ball or scrying mirror. I have E A’s universal circle. basically am drawn to sigil working and it’s working for me. Am not the type that loves elaborate tools. Am intending to use this method (astral evocation) to pathwork KOF. My question is…will the energy of constant rituals in the same room am staying affect me negatively or anyone else around me? Because am constantly working with Azazel and other demonic entities. I also work with some angels. Most evocation i do i don’t use incense. I prefer oils, candles, and sigils. Please share your ideas with me.

It will probably affect you, but it doesn’t need to be negative ar all - we’ve intentionally moved our Temple into the same main room that’s our bedroom, and living room. We’re fortunate and have room not to do this, but we tried it as an experiment 3 years ago and preferred it!

It’s intensified the energy, I’ve opened portals to trusted spirits that more or less stay “live,” and my friend copied the same idea and is finding the same benefits.

The last time I had a whole room set up as my Temple, I used to not want to leave because I liked the feeling of energy in there, and the awakened presences of the spirits.

I know some people thrive on having a dedicated Temple they use just for one purpose (and maybe it’s different for people with kids) but I’m speaking for three people, (me, my old man and our friend) who’d vote for this system, of working right where you sleep and spend your leisure time, as preferable.

It’s really nice to do a ritual, and then just kind of bathe in the energies afterwards… :slight_smile:

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It will probably affect you, but it doesn’t need to be negative ar all - we’ve intentionally moved our Temple into the same main room that’s our bedroom, and living room. We’re fortunate and have room not to do this, but we tried it as an experiment 3 years ago and preferred it!

It’s intensified the energy, I’ve opened portals to trusted spirits that more or less stay “live,” and my friend copied the same idea and is finding the same benefits.

The last time I had a whole room set up as my Temple, I used to not want to leave because I liked the feeling of energy in there, and the awakened presences of the spirits.

I know some people thrive on having a dedicated Temple they use just for one purpose (and maybe it’s different for people with kids) but I’m speaking for three people, (me, my old man and our friend) who’d vote for this system, of working right where you sleep and spend your leisure time, as preferable.

It’s really nice to do a ritual, and then just kind of bathe in the energies afterwards… :)[/quote]
I agree. Mine is set up in my bedroom too. I love it that way. :slight_smile:

I only see a problem with conducting ritual in the same room you sleep, if you don’t conduct a proper banishing / farewell to spirits you are unfamiliar with. They and their kin can lurk around afterwards, and make others uncomfortable, so just keep that in mind.

I’m moving out of my current residence at the end of this month, so I probably should cleanse the house as a courtesy to the next residents (however the sadistic side of me likes the idea of dark entities coming back to the house to find Christians living there!)

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It depends on what energies you are evoking. Negative energies are going to affect you negatively, wouldnt it be so?

If you are summoning spirits of destruction, or rage, or hate, it would be thoroughly wise to make sure they are completely gone after a ritual, unless of course, it is your desire to absorb that energy into yourself, and inevitably manifest that energy within your life and its circumstances.

EA has said to be careful what you evoke, because all forms of evocation are actually weak forms of invocation, and invocation changes the individual and shifts their nature towards the nature of the spirit invoked. It makes sense to me.

Of course with banishing or cleansing or what have you, your exposure to a potentially unwanted energy is limited. Like exposure to ionizing radiation… a tiny bit is unlikely to harm you or ever have any noticeable effects. A lot of it, or extended periods in its presence, will absolutely kill you.

Perhaps an extreme analogy, but I think it illustrates the point to be careful of what you choose to bathe yourself in.

It all depends on your personal goals for your body, and more importantly, your essential being.

Ill go out on a limb here, and say that almost everyone reading this and almost everyone who will read it, is in a formative phase of their development. Most of us are not solidified yet, per se, so its important that we are cautious about what ingredients we add to our still liquefied form, lest we add something that we find later we do not like and cannot remove it without much difficulty.

So, limit your exposure to energies which you do not wish to be like, and increase your exposure to energies which you do wish to be like.

If you are certain you wish to be like X, then keep X around. If you certainly do not wish to be like Y, get rid of Y quickly, or perhaps skip inviting it into your home and being all together.

All depends on your personal goals…

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BB44, I enjoyed your post and I agree with the points you make. I will say I am careful of what I do inside my home. My family are sensitives and it’s them I worry more about. I have also seen firsthand what can be left behind. My past totem work has left certain natural qualities of my totem that aren’t always the most agreeable.


That isn’t the case no. Your will and the purpose of the evocation determines what affects you.

I support this comment in so far as you have to be passionate and focused in visualizing during evocation. You are internalizing a lot of the ritual which can have invocation-like effects

No. I am a contributing author to Anthology of Sorcery II. Be careful what you assume of people and who is reading what. That’s a good life lesson when dealing with people as well as spirits.

No. I am a contributing author to Anthology of Sorcery II. Be careful what you assume of people and who is reading what. That’s a good life lesson when dealing with people as well as spirits.[/quote]

So then you have reached the ultimate pinnacle of your spiritual evolution?


But Ill still put forth, that almost no one else has, thus, almost everyone is still that formative phase; in the process of becoming, instead of having already reached.

[quote=“BB44, post:5, topic:8485”]Ill go out on a limb here, and say that almost everyone reading this and almost everyone who will read it, is in a formative phase of their development.

No. I am a contributing author to Anthology of Sorcery II. Be careful what you assume of people and who is reading what. That’s a good life lesson when dealing with people as well as spirits.

So then you have reached the ultimate pinnacle of your spiritual evolution?


I mentioned nothing about reaching any pinnacle, but I am hardly in my formative phase. You use your words much too loosely, that is clearly evident, and that is something that will come back to bite you, especially if you want to evoke or invoke dark spirits.

Please we were doing a good work by contributing ideas that might even teach and advice others. Let’s be on track. To start dispute is not the best idea. I believe beginners will somehow stumble on this post and learn from our interaction.

^ Agreed, I’ve been doing magick for 25+ years, and my ego wasn’t bruised by BB44’s statement because it’s largely true - a lot of people on this forum are beginners, or at least fairly new to magick and to getting material effects.

Let’s please keep this on topic to the OP’s question. :slight_smile:

I’m just here to experience the other side of the coin.

As for your question. I believe it is all a matter of preference. I myself have no altar or temple room, I myself am the altar and temple. I find it optimal to visualize myself in this way. In doing so it allows me to preform whatever I want whenever I want. So that is my preference.

I wish you luck in finding yours.