Hello, I’d agree with the gist of the comment by Dimitris, as looking at EA’s steps of evocation take each of them and work them individually (ex even “subjective immersion” takes a bit, and what that means- not just get it, but having a physical shift and connection “getting-it” so to speak) and substantial contact…
Substantial contact- could be via a name or a sigil/signature (or both) I’d say should develop communication (even if very informal- but a knowing of each party- a feeling of if the Entity will be interested in Appearing… you get a feel and they get a sense- and how the two of your energies mix
ie it may be a bad-mix… or a sense of um for this purpose ok, but not really else… or even, we connect really well, but not for this purpose… not on this topic…
So that combines, setting the foundation [that shift, as well as contact]
(what is the means you need to use to do that, and what is the mental-energetic shift you use to engage that, at first with great effort and lead-up, setting up “symbols and ritual” to trigger that through Assoc, and then eventually just think-it, like wiggling a finger… but that is over time, just have the first tentative-steps)
Also can get a sense of what need to do to work towards (as well as you’ll notice the “opening for” change in you as a result of contact, not as strong as Evocation, but there, and good to get used to before the big impact)… but also might get fdbk on Since I only have this space and these tools… how do it?
Related to first pt, doing the indiv steps, the incantation: find one (or a few and try different- see which works better- and how using one you get a sense of the rhythm and flow of it)… I’d try and use the words- not calling up an Entity, just the words alone (just like in Substantial Contact- I’d have a purpose in mind, even if you didn’t plan it as a “working” still in back of mind you current goal, and the “type of Entity” or “energy-current” you’d work with)… and see what happens…
(if string together a bunch of untried parts- who knows what could happen (and if it doesn’t or isn’t quite what you seek- what part change? so many) if work using Incant words- and nothing… well the focus is just on that…
So in the end what Indigod and Nereid wrote ties to Dimitris also- but I’d step into it, the upside being you can start even during your reading this (not need to wait) and see/feel/exper results of some kind immed
(Edison and his 10,000 results on the way to lightbulb- “no failures, each was a result” -process of elimination, other info, and could be used for else, like the “glue” that didn’t work, that became “Post-It”… repurposed) I just added all that in case the thought of do- results? what if?
<<but at the same time, until the light bulb lights, result not achieved. Affect of a Working is distinct, and whether or not that involves Contacting Else-Other (an Entity)- which has an impact itself. So steps toward that are significant, but I wouldn’t say reached until reached. -to contrast ‘most’ writer-speakers on this subject>>
But I’d say, fully space, actual shifting the energy in the enviro, contact and Assistance (from the otherside) by Entity(s) involved and boosting- and skill at those shifts and engaging: Is that going to create a change different from imagining an imaginary (thought to be just pretend “thought-form”) without tools that fit a particular tradition’s pattern? Sure different, but if each has their own: and the ongoing DevelProcess is the thing
As I note I find vague-neartelepathic contact, vs jumping to the “Crossroads” the grey-mist place, vs in the overlaying dream-space of sortof imagery and yet autonomous, are each different than a form Expressing in the Concrete Physical- but have their place
(I rarely use a circle, or even incense recently- but for purpose- but the QuantumJump to that other Awareness and then that Awareness-Energy affecting-channeling through the Normal, that’s a key.
I think buried through the forum post-comments on many threads there is much info (you might have to click through many unrelated to locate, but avail free)- luck