
I would hope not
But thats not really the whole issue here, its like, so weirdly complex
Every time my gf contacts her, no problems.
Every time she mentions me to her, she usually becomes more negative
When i am present, she has just outright said that she dislikes me
When i have any form of inkling of interaction with a succubic spirit she spergs out at my girlfriend.

Because that is her

Her matron spirit is Lilith and her patron is Naberious

Was that her choice? Your gf’s choice?

Then she needs to work with just one.

Or choose another for one of the sides.

No, it did come naturally. My gf has a lot of connection with the dark moon aswell.

Ask for one to go, the one you both are more comfortable with and start working with other entities to find another suitable for both of you.

I mean all things considered I could just confront lilith but im sure nobody would reccomend that for me. That and I have been told not to before

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Is this just an assumption… Or your dealings with Lilith and Naberius are all through your gf?

Naberius is cool. Ive worked with him on one session. Never worked with lilith directly

try it

Yes, you should contact Lilith on your own. Full intent and get to the point.
Just be humble and explain yourself. I’m sure you’ll get an answer.

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Have you thought that perhaps Lilith’s dislike for you is because of something you did in a past life?

As someone who pissed something off in a former incarnation and is left dealing with the repercussions in this current one, I know it is very possible for spirits to hold grudges across incarnations.


or i have other advice, contact Lucifer (assuming you have no bad blood with him) and talk to him about this, ask him why Lilith feels that way towards you, if it is her

very true

Yes, I recommend it.
Not like attack but discuss.

Why on earth do you recommend everyone to contact Lucifer, do you think he’s the big trouble solver for everyone?


he can do many things, hes the Lord of Hell, and based on the experiences Ive had with him, yes, he may be able to help, but of course if OP doesnt feel like it he doesnt have to

not everyone, but we are talking about Lilith, which in my experiences with Lucifer, I believe him to be close to Lilith

Confront her. Go for the source instead of relying on the words of a messenger.