Life update :)

I hope y’all have been well. This post is just to update y’all on how my evocation has been going. Last night (12/04/2021), I evoked King Azazel, and did some meditation afterwards. The experience I had was truly fascinating as I’ve never felt that type of way before. I felt as though I was being subconsciously moved as my heartbeat got really fast and also an increase in my breathing (obviously). But anyways, then when everything was done, I went to lay in bed to sleep and I felt like my soul was leaving my body and that I was umm somewhat levitating(?) I wasn’t actually levitating, but it felt as such. My boyfriend who is also in LHP has been really supportive of me and teaches me everything I need to know about this path. Besides that, reading evocation experiences of other people in this forum has been motivating and inspiring me, so thank you to all of you :slight_smile: I appreciate each and every single one of y’all xoxo